QRPp Cat in QSO with M1KTA at GQRP hotel

Jan (G0BBL), Alan (M0PUB) and Klaus
The top table... Ken, Graham, Dick Pascoe, Tony, George...
Nick and XYL in front (M0NJP/ON4NIC), Clive (M5CHH) on right, Me (M1KTA) on left
Other than a trip which might get the odd mention I will detail projects I am working on, what I want to be working on and what I have otherwise to report on. I will update the individual projects as they advance. As asked I have started to catalogue the references I have follow the link on the left where you can obtain them too. Want to email me wander over to qrz.com and you'll find my email address there. Also twitter @m1kta_qrp