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Friday 28 February 2014

QRV from C5/M1KTA

And the off..

rows to show:
showing spots for DX call: C5/M1KTA 
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IZ4RCQ C5/M1KTA21290.0[LoTW] up 30914z 28 Feb
F4CUO C5/M1KTA21290.0[LoTW]0859z 28 Feb
DL9USA C5/M1KTA21290.0[LoTW] UP30852z 28 Feb
SQ8NQW C5/M1KTA21290.0[LoTW] tnx0850z 28 Feb
EA4VV C5/M1KTA21290.0[LoTW] 59 * Many thanks Dominic0839z 28 Feb
OE6MBG C5/M1KTA21290.0[LoTW]0834z 28 Feb
as expected was put in the cluster and went a bit manic after that.

Using KX3 on internal batteries only so max 5W... lot of qsb and signals even to spain went from 59 to 51 and back again...SSB session for hour this morning... about 57 QSO, not huge number was working symplex initially then went up3...a vertical multiband wire dipole on a 10m pole right at the beach (photo when decent internet connection).

Why did I pick 15m? no reason except that this was last band rig had been use on.

Wind on the beach is pretty strong about 20-25mph (got anenometer with me) North to South .

Security is about 7am to 7pm.

Operating from the room whilst location is good not possible to use mans as the hotel earth is live!!

Will try and operate SSB in mornings and CW in evenings for those that are interested.

Sunday 23 February 2014

Remote SDR

Hopefully will be watching the operating and the pile ups (!!) from remote. I have a remote SDR working at home now and will be able to monitor that from time to time.

This was just testing the station from a wifi connection a few miles away...

Radio is a Softrock SDR V9.0 RX antenna is a multiband vertical.

Thursday 13 February 2014

C5 Licence (in case get called a pirate again!)

Letter just came through about the renewal. Listing the two KX3 this time and no Yaesu kit. The power supply is a nice switch mode 110 or 240V so should I be able to operate from the hotel I will be covered.

Asked already why C5/M1KTA and not a short C5 call... simple I believe we should retain our home call when operating overseas so it is clear that I am a UK licencee operating in another country. Whether the operation is CEPT or not so I always try to retain this format (some places it has been homecall/localprefix).

I'll have a couple qrss beacons sending cw 12wpm or 3 sec dot. Might have WSPR?

Tuesday 11 February 2014

C5 QSLs LoTW requested

LoTW will be active  For call sign: C5/M1KTA
      For DXCC Entity: THE GAMBIA (422)
  For QSOs not before: 2014-02-27 00:00:00
   For QSOs not after: 2014-12-31 23:59:59

My C5 licence will run to the end of the year (2014).
I should be able to confirm QSO via upload to LoTW BEFORE I return to the UK. I will upload all qso when I return to the UK.

I will qsl card requests direct or via the buro. Clublog has not confirmed a single qso from previous C5, 6W, 3B8 or KH8 trips so doesn't look like it is much used by qrp ops. I expect I will upload logs to it when back in UK.

Thursday 6 February 2014

Where I will be in Gambia (C5)

 As asked where will I be.... the great circle map is centred on where I will be. No I will not have a beam or linear will will have a KX3 so qrp only. Please don't post to cluster saying please turn beam to ...

The locator will be IK13oj and I will be right on the beach sea front

I suspect if conditions anything like the last trip JA will open for about 30 mins before and after sunset, on 20m/17m/15m exactly when the EU wall of noise will be at it's worst, please listen if I say I can hear JA and I am only working JA SSB/CW or RTTY please wait the opening for them will not be long as that to EU.

I will be taking a 140ft long wire with me so there is a chance, if conditions allow it, I 'may' try 160m on cw only but note I will not take requests for skeds. I would advise listen and watch the cluster. My CW speed will probably be less than 20wpm please change your keyer if you want to work me.
On the last weekend between 12:00 UTC 8th and 12:00 UTC 9th March unless you are in a BERU country I will likely ignore you please try another time.

Monday 3 February 2014

Southwold 2014

Wind was 40mph gusting 50mph+

The wind blown sand killed my KX3 after a while as got inside.

This after disassembling.

The fine sand was covering everything and had gotten into the controls. The multi mode rotary press buttons stopped working completely. I had to remove all the grains of sand and wash and then dry the areas. So warning... watch out KX3 and beach sand don't mix.

I forgot to take photos as was more worried about getting it working again. The rotary controls would not rotate (tuning was ok) and the push button switch well it didn't.

Used compressed air, a vaccum (with a fine tube), iso propol alcohol and a soft tooth brush to clean it all up.