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Saturday 12 December 2015


They have not finished all the adjudication bit yet...

2015 CQ WW CW Contest

QRP All Bands - M1K

Raw scores before log checking. Last updated:
Listing shows rank, call, score, and operators. Checklogs are not included.

   Country (G): #6 of 7 

   1 G4DBW..........369,104
   2 G3YMC..........248,860
   3 G4FPA...........93,450
   4 G4SGI...........64,500
   5 M3JAC...........40,135 (G7PVZ)
6 M1K..............9,776 (M1KTA)
7 M0CVO............5,959  [all scores]

Continent: #77 of 102 

  72 CT7AEZ..........12,096
  73 DM1LM...........11,997
  74 PA0RBO..........11,016
  75 RA7R............10,496
  76 DL6MWG..........10,400
77 M1K..............9,776 (M1KTA)
78 OM3CUG...........9,114 79 DL2BIS...........9,009 80 I2BPP............8,968 81 EA3WX............8,883 82 OZ1DGQ...........8,468  [all scores]

   World: #121 of 170 

 116 PA0RBO..........11,016
 117 JH7BMF..........10,614
 118 RA7R............10,496
 119 DL6MWG..........10,400
 120 JN3DMJ..........10,296
121 M1K..............9,776 (M1KTA)
122 OM3CUG...........9,114 123 DL2BIS...........9,009 124 I2BPP............8,968 125 EA3WX............8,883 126 KH6CS............8,840  [all scores]

Friday 27 November 2015

SCC M1K qrv this w/e

CQWW CW contest is this w/e.

Doing some work on aligning a K2 then will be in the contest for some of it anyway. M1K and qrp.

Tuesday 6 October 2015

IOTA 2015 Result

M1KTA as SD7B Came 1st in SOA QRP Island DX 24hr Mix, 2nd globally in QRP category for island DX.


BUT... I lost 27 percent of my claimed score through poor serial numbers! REALLY BAD!

You have lost 8 multiplier credit(s) and 24 qso credit(s) as follows:
timebandModeYourSerialCallSerial RcvdIOTArefReason for loss of creditMultiplier Lost
122320CW9G3P21 BAD COPY[BAD IOTA] IOTA of G3P was EU005 
171320CW62JH1FNU296AS007NOQSO[BAD SERIAL] Serial given by JH1FNU was 201 
190520CW70YO8SS105 NOQSO[BAD SERIAL] Serial given by YO8SS was 70 
203340PH88G4ALE498EU120NOQSO[NOTINLOG] Not in G4ALE s log-MULT 40PH
212340CW96G3P41EU005BAD COPY[BAD SERIAL] Serial given by G3P was 410 
221280CW103MD4K1087EU116BAD COPY[BAD SERIAL] Serial given by MD4K was 1387 
223380CW116SM5CKV834 BAD COPY[BAD IOTA] IOTA of SM5CKV was EU177 
225180CW123S59NA/9A133 BAD COPYShould be S59A/9A 
024580CW138ES0U133EU034BAD COPY[BAD SERIAL] Serial given by ES0U was 1331-MULT 80CW
024880CW1399A7T350EU136BAD COPY[BAD IOTA] IOTA of 9A7T was NIL-MULT 80CW
035980CW155DJ3WE5 BAD COPY[BAD SERIAL] Serial given by DJ3WE was 95 
061440CW174DL8WE138 BAD COPY[BADCOPY] Should be DL8WEM 
071720CW196RK3SWB/11038EU147NOQSO[NOTINLOG] Not in RK3SWB/1 s log 
074220CW2069A7T429EU136BAD COPY[BAD IOTA] IOTA of 9A7T was NIL-MULT 20CW
081920CW223DK0MM66 BAD COPY[BAD SERIAL] Serial given by DK0MM was 668 
090520CW243EW8DX  BAD COPY[BAD COPY] Serial received CANNOT be 0 
090720CW244YO2IS  BAD COPY[BAD COPY] Serial received CANNOT be 0 
111920CW297OE2VEL81 NOQSO[BAD SERIAL] Serial given by OE2VEL was 816 
112420CW299US8GX529 BAD COPY[BADCOPY] Should be UR8GX 
112920CW302GI5O1738EU115BAD COPY[BAD IOTA] IOTA of GI5O was EU122

Monday 10 August 2015

How much do you really carry on a qrp trip to an island

SD7B was a LOT of kit but if you take the solar panel and support stuff out it is a lot less. I had heavy duty poles (14kg for the three) as the wind was expected to get up. Light weight poles would not have cut it in the winds expected... I'm sure SOTA guys have experienced the same on some tops.

This is about the most basic for an overnight stay... on a UK island.

Waterproofs (it was wet)
10m pole, ex-mountaineering assault tent in bag along with antenna wires, guys  and a ground screw hand for the pole. On my back rucksack containing rig, battery, food (petrol stove), water, wind up LED torch and log book. Believe it or not water and fuel to cook with are probably the heaviest items you need to carry before the radio kit. The tent is about 1kg and has been tested in 60mphwinds. The real test is if I cannot carry it all myself, from car to ferry/boat (this was a fishing boat), boat to island it doesn't go with me. I have been known to take a second rucksack with clothes, water, and food in, I will often refer to it as 'The PIG'. It is a faded red rucksack I was wearing when I fell in the alps a while back so it's a good luck charm and empty it doubles up as a sleeping bivvy bag as I fitted an extra liner to it.

I'd love to downsize the kit to an ATS-3B for many reasons but as I make plenty of SSB contacts a CW only rig isn't right just yet and a KX3 suits, if quite a bit heavier. Maybe there might be a homebrew version in between out there somewhere?

Wednesday 5 August 2015

SD7B Videos

In no particular order

The drive in Sweden... there are 4 hours of this.... this is just a few mins.

Spotting utlangan and utklipann from another island, before the contest w/e

The ferry to island before the small boat to the island (if that makes sense), reconnaissance trip before the w/e, needed to spot the quay etc

The TWO cars with the trip kit.



The ferry crossing to the island

The once loaded with gear boat crossing to the island

On the island


Tuesday 4 August 2015

ATX-100 Instructions

Forgot mine so asked home to send me a copy and I added to blog just in case.

My antenna has seen loads of use and it works IF you use the little grey cells, it isn't a 3 el yagi or a decent dipole at 70 feet so if you think about how you use it you will be fine.

10-80m but will do 6m and 4m too and although I never did will also cover 2m... after all 1/4 wavelength is 19" but you can also get it to be 5/8 as well see instructions. You have a 48" whip 10 sections about 4" per section I'm sure the maths isn't too hard to work out. That said I have a length of yellow cord with knots tied in it for the lengths and tape with the length on them at the knots.

Note the section with the BIG gap goes to the end closest to the radio or the tap points will be all messed up.

Monday 3 August 2015

Flakskaer Videos and photos

Some more photos and videos from the island.

Seriously nice sunsets... in the lea of the island the water is flat calm.

 The fallen VHF mast & antenna busted.
 Wind now firmly 180degrees opposite direction to Sat AM.
SOA as using CWget and RBN.

Some camera videos...

Random stuff from SD7B

All the stuff on the quay for the boat trip back.

Friday 31 July 2015

Update on VE7FMN heatsink

The heatsink operated perfectly.

The most obvious heating effect was above 8W on 6m and the heatsink kept the KX3 PA temp below 43'C, ambient was 25'C.

I'll be keeping it in place on #2334 

Wednesday 29 July 2015

SD7B RSGB IOTA log uploaded

Category SOA - DXPED - QRP

flingers crossed.

Sunday 26 July 2015

Vertical dipole coax

Posted here as might help others...

better picture of support

On 26/07/2015 20:36, Dominic Baines wrote:

At a pie and pint someone asked me how do I place the feeder when using vertical dipole by the sea, best coming directly out from centre for > 1/4 wavelength (found that out trial and error) rather than dropping to ground anyway a photo says it all. Stand at the vertical base and you are in marsh, actually 6" of stinky salt water but what a place for an antenna! Looking due west.

That isn't a balun in the middle... I took the SHORT coax version (doh!) so that is a join with another length (yes you carry a few spares) ... at HF doesn't make any difference.

The coax is held in place and then tensioned with a prussic loop tied in this case to the shack (literally). Note THAT tie must be breakable/flex in wind and you will need to have some loose coax other side or if antenna goes over it may drag rig with it.



RSGB IOTA contest 2015

That was a bit of fun...

Only one qso on 15m and 10m (to me was dead). Lightening overhead right before off wasn't fun...... then a brief spell of 30+mph winds took out VHF mast then caused collapse of vertical dipoles.... put it all back up in the rain.

Beat my own personal goal, last years qso and iota count, probably way off the pace but then qrp you tend to be.

This was my log (before I check it for errors), couple stations gave nr too fast so logged 000.

Some stations never completed QSO so F11 and sent cq again I guess UBN will tell story... almost all run little S&P, being qrp that was like flogging a dead horse.
CREATED-BY: Win-Test 4.17.0
CATEGORY-ASSISTED: UNASSISTED -- not sure about this.
IOTA-ISLAND-NAME: [SM7] Blekinge County group
NAME: Dominic Baines
SOAPBOX: CW seemed hopeless except at 25 wpm or above. Not good for new amateurs.
SOAPBOX: Left SSB until just before end and made sure picked right freq on 20m and sure
SOAPBOX: enough was spotted and multiplier pile up happened.
QSO: 14019 CW 2015-07-25 1201 SD7B          599 0001 EU-138 R9SA          599 0001 ------ 0
QSO: 14019 CW 2015-07-25 1203 SD7B          599 0002 EU-138 LZ0I          599 0002 EU-181 0
QSO: 14019 CW 2015-07-25 1203 SD7B          599 0003 EU-138 RU5A          599 0002 ------ 0
QSO: 14019 CW 2015-07-25 1207 SD7B          599 0004 EU-138 UA3AGW        599 0005 ------ 0
QSO: 14019 CW 2015-07-25 1208 SD7B          599 0005 EU-138 HA1DAE        599 0009 ------ 0
QSO: 14019 CW 2015-07-25 1217 SD7B          599 0006 EU-138 G9SA          599 0001 EU-005 0
QSO: 14019 CW 2015-07-25 1218 SD7B          599 0007 EU-138 RG5A          599 0013 ------ 0
QSO: 14019 CW 2015-07-25 1220 SD7B          599 0008 EU-138 UA1AJ         599 0006 ------ 0
QSO: 14019 CW 2015-07-25 1223 SD7B          599 0009 EU-138 G3P           599 0021 ------ 0
QSO: 14019 CW 2015-07-25 1227 SD7B          599 0010 EU-138 PA4O          599 0014 ------ 0
QSO: 14032 CW 2015-07-25 1238 SD7B          599 0011 EU-138 PA5TT         599 0070 EU-146 0
QSO: 14046 CW 2015-07-25 1241 SD7B          599 0012 EU-138 IT9MUO        599 0078 EU-025 0
QSO: 14052 CW 2015-07-25 1244 SD7B          599 0013 EU-138 OK2MBP        599 0027 ------ 0
QSO: 14052 CW 2015-07-25 1246 SD7B          599 0014 EU-138 F6FTB/P       599 0005 ------ 0
QSO: 14052 CW 2015-07-25 1250 SD7B          599 0015 EU-138 OH2BN         599 0018 ------ 0
QSO: 14052 CW 2015-07-25 1251 SD7B          599 0016 EU-138 UA4HBM        599 0013 ------ 0
QSO: 14052 CW 2015-07-25 1256 SD7B          599 0017 EU-138 OG6N          599 0042 ------ 0
QSO: 14052 CW 2015-07-25 1258 SD7B          599 0018 EU-138 YO2CJX        599 0037 ------ 0
QSO: 14052 CW 2015-07-25 1302 SD7B          599 0019 EU-138 F4VPX         599 0028 ------ 0
QSO: 14052 CW 2015-07-25 1305 SD7B          599 0020 EU-138 I7PHH         599 0024 ------ 0
QSO: 14052 CW 2015-07-25 1306 SD7B          599 0021 EU-138 RM2D          599 0056 ------ 0
QSO: 14052 CW 2015-07-25 1309 SD7B          599 0022 EU-138 R9AB          599 0016 ------ 0
QSO: 21019 CW 2015-07-25 1312 SD7B          599 0023 EU-138 I5XV          599 0074 ------ 0
QSO: 14052 CW 2015-07-25 1318 SD7B          599 0024 EU-138 SQ8J          599 0001 ------ 0
QSO: 14052 CW 2015-07-25 1321 SD7B          599 0025 EU-138 G3GLL         599 0009 EU-005 0
QSO: 14052 CW 2015-07-25 1322 SD7B          599 0026 EU-138 9A3KS         599 0003 ------ 0
QSO: 14052 CW 2015-07-25 1324 SD7B          599 0027 EU-138 RX3F          599 0046 ------ 0
QSO: 14052 CW 2015-07-25 1326 SD7B          599 0028 EU-138 RZ1OK         599 0066 ------ 0
QSO: 14262 PH 2015-07-25 1329 SD7B          59  0029 EU-138 EI7M          59  0316 EU-115 0
QSO: 14269 PH 2015-07-25 1334 SD7B          59  0030 EU-138 F4BKV         59  0058 ------ 0
QSO: 14271 PH 2015-07-25 1345 SD7B          59  0031 EU-138 G4R           59  0155 EU-005 0
QSO: 14265 PH 2015-07-25 1346 SD7B          59  0032 EU-138 M9K           59  0174 EU-005 0
QSO: 14254 PH 2015-07-25 1348 SD7B          59  0033 EU-138 G7Y           59  0117 EU-005 0
QSO: 14252 PH 2015-07-25 1350 SD7B          59  0034 EU-138 I2PJA         59  0067 ------ 0
QSO: 14235 PH 2015-07-25 1357 SD7B          59  0035 EU-138 IT9ZZO        59  0151 EU-025 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-25 1400 SD7B          59  0036 EU-138 IC8WIC        59  0195 EU-031 0
QSO: 14230 PH 2015-07-25 1401 SD7B          59  0037 EU-138 F4FSY         59  0062 ------ 0
QSO: 14226 PH 2015-07-25 1403 SD7B          59  0038 EU-138 EI9E          59  0299 EU-115 0
QSO: 14220 PH 2015-07-25 1406 SD7B          59  0039 EU-138 G3SJJ         59  0153 EU-005 0
QSO: 14214 PH 2015-07-25 1409 SD7B          59  0040 EU-138 GW4BLE        59  0256 EU-005 0
QSO: 14180 PH 2015-07-25 1410 SD7B          59  0041 EU-138 IS0/P/OM2TW   59  0160 EU-024 0
QSO: 14159 PH 2015-07-25 1419 SD7B          59  0042 EU-138 M1N           59  0059 EU-005 0
QSO: 14164 PH 2015-07-25 1426 SD7B          59  0043 EU-138 M0OSH         59  0089 EU-005 0
QSO: 14045 CW 2015-07-25 1433 SD7B          599 0044 EU-138 IT9BLB        599 0192 EU-025 0
QSO: 14044 CW 2015-07-25 1435 SD7B          599 0045 EU-138 GI5I          599 0196 EU-115 0
QSO: 14038 CW 2015-07-25 1440 SD7B          599 0046 EU-138 RA6MQ         599 0073 ------ 0
QSO: 14032 CW 2015-07-25 1443 SD7B          599 0047 EU-138 RZ3DJ         599 0235 ------ 0
QSO: 14030 CW 2015-07-25 1448 SD7B          599 0048 EU-138 G4ALE/P       599 0179 EU-120 0
QSO: 14026 CW 2015-07-25 1452 SD7B          599 0049 EU-138 IT9CHU        599 0162 EU-025 0
QSO: 14245 PH 2015-07-25 1543 SD7B          59  0050 EU-138 IK7CMY        59  0241 ------ 0
QSO: 14255 PH 2015-07-25 1616 SD7B          59  0051 EU-138 MD4K          59  0621 EU-116 0
QSO: 14023 CW 2015-07-25 1623 SD7B          599 0052 EU-138 G9F           599 0150 EU-005 0
QSO: 14020 CW 2015-07-25 1629 SD7B          599 0053 EU-138 R6AJ          599 0060 ------ 0
QSO: 14020 CW 2015-07-25 1631 SD7B          599 0054 EU-138 RG0A          599 0231 ------ 0
QSO: 14020 CW 2015-07-25 1632 SD7B          599 0055 EU-138 RT7N          599 0079 ------ 0
QSO: 14020 CW 2015-07-25 1633 SD7B          599 0056 EU-138 RA9CMO        599 0193 ------ 0
QSO: 14020 CW 2015-07-25 1634 SD7B          599 0057 EU-138 RU4SO         599 0258 ------ 0
QSO: 14020 CW 2015-07-25 1636 SD7B          599 0058 EU-138 UT5URW        599 0039 ------ 0
QSO: 14020 CW 2015-07-25 1642 SD7B          599 0059 EU-138 UP4L          599 0261 ------ 0
QSO: 14019 CW 2015-07-25 1653 SD7B          599 0060 EU-138 R7AB          599 0272 ------ 0
QSO: 14018 CW 2015-07-25 1701 SD7B          599 0061 EU-138 PA3TG         599 0051 ------ 0
QSO: 14017 CW 2015-07-25 1713 SD7B          599 0062 EU-138 JH1FNU        599 0296 AS-007 0
QSO: 14049 CW 2015-07-25 1733 SD7B          599 0063 EU-138 IT9RDG        599 0147 EU-025 0
QSO: 14054 CW 2015-07-25 1846 SD7B          599 0064 EU-138 LA6TPA        599 0043 ------ 0
QSO: 14054 CW 2015-07-25 1849 SD7B          599 0065 EU-138 RA4ACX        599 0036 ------ 0
QSO: 14054 CW 2015-07-25 1851 SD7B          599 0066 EU-138 4Z5MU         599 0150 ------ 0
QSO: 14054 CW 2015-07-25 1852 SD7B          599 0067 EU-138 RX6CM         599 0049 ------ 0
QSO: 14054 CW 2015-07-25 1856 SD7B          599 0068 EU-138 UX1AA         599 0153 ------ 0
QSO: 14054 CW 2015-07-25 1903 SD7B          599 0069 EU-138 EA3NN         599 0051 ------ 0
QSO: 14054 CW 2015-07-25 1905 SD7B          599 0070 EU-138 YO8SS         599 0105 ------ 0
QSO: 14054 CW 2015-07-25 1907 SD7B          599 0071 EU-138 UA6EX         599 0032 ------ 0
QSO: 14054 CW 2015-07-25 1909 SD7B          599 0072 EU-138 JP3AYQ        599 0281 AS-007 0
QSO: 14054 CW 2015-07-25 1910 SD7B          599 0073 EU-138 UA3LAR        599 0003 ------ 0
QSO: 14054 CW 2015-07-25 1912 SD7B          599 0074 EU-138 UD4FD         599 0116 ------ 0
QSO: 14054 CW 2015-07-25 1914 SD7B          599 0075 EU-138 JE3AGN        599 0031 AS-007 0
QSO: 14054 CW 2015-07-25 1916 SD7B          599 0076 EU-138 YO6LB         599 0059 ------ 0
QSO: 14054 CW 2015-07-25 1924 SD7B          599 0077 EU-138 UA6YH         599 0094 ------ 0
QSO: 14054 CW 2015-07-25 1928 SD7B          599 0078 EU-138 R2ZA          599 0140 ------ 0
QSO: 14054 CW 2015-07-25 1935 SD7B          599 0079 EU-138 N3RS          599 0221 ------ 0
QSO: 14054 CW 2015-07-25 1946 SD7B          599 0080 EU-138 JA1BPA        599 0622 AS-007 0
QSO: 14054 CW 2015-07-25 1947 SD7B          599 0081 EU-138 RW4CLF        599 0050 ------ 0
QSO: 14054 CW 2015-07-25 1950 SD7B          599 0082 EU-138 F4FDA         599 0011 ------ 0
QSO: 14054 CW 2015-07-25 1955 SD7B          599 0083 EU-138 RU6DX/P       599 0944 EU-185 0
QSO: 14054 CW 2015-07-25 1958 SD7B          599 0084 EU-138 Z35M/QRP      599 0024 ------ 0
QSO: 14054 CW 2015-07-25 2002 SD7B          599 0085 EU-138 RA6AR         599 0050 ------ 0
QSO: 14054 CW 2015-07-25 2005 SD7B          599 0086 EU-138 RK1PWA        599 0051 ------ 0
QSO: 14054 CW 2015-07-25 2012 SD7B          599 0087 EU-138 YU5M          599 0070 ------ 0
QSO:  7138 PH 2015-07-25 2033 SD7B          59  0088 EU-138 G4ALE/P       59  0498 EU-120 0
QSO:  7117 PH 2015-07-25 2042 SD7B          59  0089 EU-138 5P6T          59  0279 EU-171 0
QSO:  7021 CW 2015-07-25 2050 SD7B          599 0090 EU-138 DL5AXX        599 0134 ------ 0
QSO:  7021 CW 2015-07-25 2057 SD7B          599 0091 EU-138 SK2T          599 0333 ------ 0
QSO:  7020 CW 2015-07-25 2110 SD7B          599 0092 EU-138 OK2MBP        599 0259 ------ 0
QSO:  7020 CW 2015-07-25 2112 SD7B          599 0093 EU-138 OK2BYW        599 0079 ------ 0
QSO:  7020 CW 2015-07-25 2115 SD7B          599 0094 EU-138 G3PJT         599 0110 EU-005 0
QSO:  7020 CW 2015-07-25 2121 SD7B          599 0095 EU-138 R1DX          599 0197 ------ 0
QSO:  7020 CW 2015-07-25 2123 SD7B          599 0096 EU-138 G3P           599 0041 EU-005 0
QSO:  7020 CW 2015-07-25 2128 SD7B          599 0097 EU-138 RA1AL         599 0399 ------ 0
QSO:  7020 CW 2015-07-25 2130 SD7B          599 0098 EU-138 UA1B          599 0079 ------ 0
QSO:  3522 CW 2015-07-25 2154 SD7B          599 0099 EU-138 SM0S          599 0631 EU-084 0
QSO:  3521 CW 2015-07-25 2158 SD7B          599 0100 EU-138 8S0DX         599 0194 EU-084 0
QSO:  3518 CW 2015-07-25 2209 SD7B          599 0101 EU-138 DL5AXX        599 0177 EU-129 0
QSO:  3518 CW 2015-07-25 2210 SD7B          599 0102 EU-138 RG5A          599 0292 ------ 0
QSO:  3518 CW 2015-07-25 2212 SD7B          599 0103 EU-138 MD4K          599 1087 EU-116 0
QSO:  3518 CW 2015-07-25 2213 SD7B          599 0104 EU-138 SC3N          599 0278 ------ 0
QSO:  3518 CW 2015-07-25 2214 SD7B          599 0105 EU-138 SP1AEN        599 0158 ------ 0
QSO:  3518 CW 2015-07-25 2215 SD7B          599 0106 EU-138 SN0RX         599 0657 EU-132 0
QSO:  3518 CW 2015-07-25 2217 SD7B          599 0107 EU-138 EI7M          599 1446 EU-115 0
QSO:  3518 CW 2015-07-25 2220 SD7B          599 0108 EU-138 RM2D          599 0241 ------ 0
QSO:  3518 CW 2015-07-25 2221 SD7B          599 0109 EU-138 R1DX          599 0232 ------ 0
QSO:  3518 CW 2015-07-25 2224 SD7B          599 0110 EU-138 DL6KVA        599 0237 ------ 0
QSO:  3518 CW 2015-07-25 2225 SD7B          599 0111 EU-138 SK2T          599 0376 EU-135 0
QSO:  3518 CW 2015-07-25 2227 SD7B          599 0112 EU-138 RA1AL         599 0447 ------ 0
QSO:  3518 CW 2015-07-25 2229 SD7B          599 0113 EU-138 G5W           599 0727 EU-005 0
QSO:  3518 CW 2015-07-25 2230 SD7B          599 0114 EU-138 OK1AY         599 0001 ------ 0
QSO:  3518 CW 2015-07-25 2232 SD7B          599 0115 EU-138 OZ/DL7CX      599 0788 EU-171 0
QSO:  3518 CW 2015-07-25 2233 SD7B          599 0116 EU-138 SM5CKV/P      599 0834 ------ 0
QSO:  3518 CW 2015-07-25 2234 SD7B          599 0117 EU-138 YL5X          599 0498 ------ 0
QSO:  3518 CW 2015-07-25 2236 SD7B          599 0118 EU-138 SM2BJS        599 0163 ------ 0
QSO:  3518 CW 2015-07-25 2239 SD7B          599 0119 EU-138 G3P           599 0471 EU-005 0
QSO:  3518 CW 2015-07-25 2240 SD7B          599 0120 EU-138 MD0CCE        599 0571 EU-116 0
QSO:  3518 CW 2015-07-25 2243 SD7B          599 0121 EU-138 DF4FQ         599 0027 ------ 0
QSO:  3518 CW 2015-07-25 2244 SD7B          599 0122 EU-138 LA8OM         599 0513 EU-055 0
QSO:  3518 CW 2015-07-25 2251 SD7B          599 0123 EU-138 9A/S59NA      599 0133 ------ 0
QSO:  3518 CW 2015-07-25 2254 SD7B          599 0124 EU-138 DL8AKA        599 0143 ------ 0
QSO:  3518 CW 2015-07-25 2257 SD7B          599 0125 EU-138 DL1KZA        599 1390 EU-057 0
QSO:  3518 CW 2015-07-25 2300 SD7B          599 0126 EU-138 SP9DLY        599 0060 ------ 0
QSO:  3518 CW 2015-07-25 2303 SD7B          599 0127 EU-138 9A7DX         599 0181 ------ 0
QSO:  3518 CW 2015-07-25 2309 SD7B          599 0128 EU-138 DM5DX         599 0093 ------ 0
QSO:  3518 CW 2015-07-25 2310 SD7B          599 0129 EU-138 UX1AA         599 0268 ------ 0
QSO:  3518 CW 2015-07-25 2314 SD7B          599 0130 EU-138 DK0MM         599 0426 ------ 0
QSO:  3518 CW 2015-07-25 2315 SD7B          599 0131 EU-138 LY2CO         599 0239 ------ 0
QSO:  3518 CW 2015-07-25 2318 SD7B          599 0132 EU-138 IT9BLB        599 0616 EU-025 0
QSO:  3518 CW 2015-07-25 2320 SD7B          599 0133 EU-138 OM3KWZ        599 0149 ------ 0
QSO:  3522 CW 2015-07-26 0230 SD7B          599 0134 EU-138 LY5W          599 0160 ------ 0
QSO:  3522 CW 2015-07-26 0233 SD7B          599 0135 EU-138 G4EKT/P       599 0184 EU-005 0
QSO:  3522 CW 2015-07-26 0238 SD7B          599 0136 EU-138 LA2HFA        599 0103 ------ 0
QSO:  3522 CW 2015-07-26 0243 SD7B          599 0137 EU-138 DL1ARJ        599 0055 ------ 0
QSO:  3522 CW 2015-07-26 0245 SD7B          599 0138 EU-138 ES0U          599 0133 EU-034 0
QSO:  3522 CW 2015-07-26 0248 SD7B          599 0139 EU-138 9A7T          599 0350 EU-136 0
QSO:  3522 CW 2015-07-26 0250 SD7B          599 0140 EU-138 DL5KUD        599 0180 EU-057 0
QSO:  3522 CW 2015-07-26 0251 SD7B          599 0141 EU-138 G4R           599 0855 EU-005 0
QSO:  3522 CW 2015-07-26 0253 SD7B          599 0142 EU-138 DK8ZZ         599 0636 ------ 0
QSO:  3522 CW 2015-07-26 0254 SD7B          599 0143 EU-138 DK0MM         599 0145 ------ 0
QSO:  3522 CW 2015-07-26 0257 SD7B          599 0144 EU-138 LY2TS         599 0401 ------ 0
QSO:  3522 CW 2015-07-26 0258 SD7B          599 0145 EU-138 OK2MBP        599 0433 ------ 0
QSO:  3522 CW 2015-07-26 0300 SD7B          599 0146 EU-138 GM7A          599 0761 EU-008 0
QSO:  3522 CW 2015-07-26 0301 SD7B          599 0147 EU-138 M2W           599 0972 EU-005 0
QSO:  3522 CW 2015-07-26 0303 SD7B          599 0148 EU-138 OK2BK         599 0053 ------ 0
QSO:  3522 CW 2015-07-26 0306 SD7B          599 0149 EU-138 YL3GAZ        599 0039 ------ 0
QSO:  3522 CW 2015-07-26 0308 SD7B          599 0150 EU-138 OK1KZ         599 0065 ------ 0
QSO:  3522 CW 2015-07-26 0325 SD7B          599 0151 EU-138 UA2FL         599 0078 ------ 0
QSO:  3522 CW 2015-07-26 0351 SD7B          599 0152 EU-138 DL4WA         599 0232 ------ 0
QSO:  3522 CW 2015-07-26 0354 SD7B          599 0153 EU-138 SP8HXN        599 0083 ------ 0
QSO:  3522 CW 2015-07-26 0357 SD7B          599 0154 EU-138 DL2SWW        599 0002 ------ 0
QSO:  3522 CW 2015-07-26 0359 SD7B          599 0155 EU-138 DJ3WE         599 0005 ------ 0
QSO:  3522 CW 2015-07-26 0402 SD7B          599 0156 EU-138 DJ2IA         599 0114 ------ 0
QSO:  3522 CW 2015-07-26 0409 SD7B          599 0157 EU-138 DL1HSI        599 0033 ------ 0
QSO:  3522 CW 2015-07-26 0411 SD7B          599 0158 EU-138 SM6Z          599 0056 ------ 0
QSO:  7020 CW 2015-07-26 0419 SD7B          599 0159 EU-138 DK0MM         599 0516 ------ 0
QSO:  7020 CW 2015-07-26 0421 SD7B          599 0160 EU-138 OK2KJU        599 0025 ------ 0
QSO:  7020 CW 2015-07-26 0425 SD7B          599 0161 EU-138 UX1AA         599 0395 ------ 0
QSO:  7020 CW 2015-07-26 0426 SD7B          599 0162 EU-138 DK8ZZ         599 0681 ------ 0
QSO:  7020 CW 2015-07-26 0429 SD7B          599 0163 EU-138 DM5DX         599 0150 ------ 0
QSO:  7020 CW 2015-07-26 0430 SD7B          599 0164 EU-138 G5W           599 1145 EU-005 0
QSO:  7020 CW 2015-07-26 0431 SD7B          599 0165 EU-138 DL6KVA        599 0294 ------ 0
QSO:  7020 CW 2015-07-26 0445 SD7B          599 0166 EU-138 9A7DX         599 0218 ------ 0
QSO:  7008 CW 2015-07-26 0452 SD7B          599 0167 EU-138 I7PHH         599 0245 ------ 0
QSO:  7008 CW 2015-07-26 0455 SD7B          599 0168 EU-138 DL1KZA        599 1890 EU-057 0
QSO:  7004 CW 2015-07-26 0515 SD7B          599 0169 EU-138 MM0JOM        599 0300 EU-005 0
QSO:  7005 CW 2015-07-26 0535 SD7B          599 0170 EU-138 LY5W          599 0235 ------ 0
QSO:  7005 CW 2015-07-26 0541 SD7B          599 0171 EU-138 DK2FG         599 0137 ------ 0
QSO:  7005 CW 2015-07-26 0610 SD7B          599 0172 EU-138 DL2DXA        599 0086 ------ 0
QSO:  7005 CW 2015-07-26 0612 SD7B          599 0173 EU-138 OH2LU         599 0078 ------ 0
QSO:  7005 CW 2015-07-26 0614 SD7B          599 0174 EU-138 DL8WE         599 0138 ------ 0
QSO:  7005 CW 2015-07-26 0614 SD7B          599 0175 EU-138 S58N          599 0095 ------ 0
QSO:  7005 CW 2015-07-26 0616 SD7B          599 0176 EU-138 OK2KR         599 0019 ------ 0
QSO:  7005 CW 2015-07-26 0617 SD7B          599 0177 EU-138 DL4DX         599 0016 ------ 0
QSO:  7005 CW 2015-07-26 0618 SD7B          599 0178 EU-138 SP6CIK        599 0056 ------ 0
QSO:  7005 CW 2015-07-26 0620 SD7B          599 0179 EU-138 DF8XC         599 0185 ------ 0
QSO:  7005 CW 2015-07-26 0621 SD7B          599 0180 EU-138 SP8JZT        599 0044 ------ 0
QSO:  7005 CW 2015-07-26 0623 SD7B          599 0181 EU-138 DL2SWW        599 0047 ------ 0
QSO:  7005 CW 2015-07-26 0625 SD7B          599 0182 EU-138 IN3FHE        599 0105 ------ 0
QSO:  7005 CW 2015-07-26 0626 SD7B          599 0183 EU-138 OK1GK         599 0115 ------ 0
QSO:  7005 CW 2015-07-26 0627 SD7B          599 0184 EU-138 SP5WA         599 0161 ------ 0
QSO:  7005 CW 2015-07-26 0636 SD7B          599 0185 EU-138 OK2HBY        599 0184 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0649 SD7B          599 0186 EU-138 DL8WEM        599 0160 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0651 SD7B          599 0187 EU-138 US0GA         599 1520 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0653 SD7B          599 0188 EU-138 RW5CW         599 0198 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0655 SD7B          599 0189 EU-138 UA4PCM        599 0310 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0701 SD7B          599 0190 EU-138 SK2T          599 0562 EU-135 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0705 SD7B          599 0191 EU-138 F9DK          599 0166 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0708 SD7B          599 0192 EU-138 RM1T          599 0788 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0710 SD7B          599 0193 EU-138 R9FM          599 0149 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0711 SD7B          599 0194 EU-138 9A2WJ         599 0031 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0713 SD7B          599 0195 EU-138 OH6BA         599 0132 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0717 SD7B          599 0196 EU-138 RK3SWB/1      599 1038 EU-147 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0718 SD7B          599 0197 EU-138 S57L          599 0528 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0719 SD7B          599 0198 EU-138 MD4K          599 2396 EU-116 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0721 SD7B          599 0199 EU-138 E77O          599 0020 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0723 SD7B          599 0200 EU-138 EI7M          599 2371 EU-115 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0727 SD7B          599 0201 EU-138 EI9E          599 1692 EU-115 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0731 SD7B          599 0202 EU-138 RT3F          599 0598 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0733 SD7B          599 0203 EU-138 HA8KW         599 0054 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0736 SD7B          599 0204 EU-138 R1AL          599 0311 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0737 SD7B          599 0205 EU-138 M0TDW         599 0193 EU-005 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0742 SD7B          599 0206 EU-138 9A7T          599 0429 EU-136 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0743 SD7B          599 0207 EU-138 UT5KQ         599 0108 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0746 SD7B          599 0208 EU-138 9A7DX         599 0310 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0747 SD7B          599 0209 EU-138 S56A          599 0140 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0753 SD7B          599 0210 EU-138 OH3OJ         599 0022 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0754 SD7B          599 0211 EU-138 GM4OSS        599 0063 EU-005 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0755 SD7B          599 0212 EU-138 G5W           599 1319 EU-005 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0800 SD7B          599 0213 EU-138 RG3B          599 0064 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0803 SD7B          599 0214 EU-138 UY5AB         599 0022 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0804 SD7B          599 0215 EU-138 RA4LO         599 0412 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0805 SD7B          599 0216 EU-138 RN3RQ         599 0064 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0807 SD7B          599 0217 EU-138 ED1M          599 1553 EU-142 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0809 SD7B          599 0218 EU-138 DL5AWI        599 0064 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0811 SD7B          599 0219 EU-138 G3LDI         599 0071 EU-005 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0813 SD7B          599 0220 EU-138 G3OCA         599 0004 EU-005 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0816 SD7B          599 0221 EU-138 E72U          599 0006 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0817 SD7B          599 0222 EU-138 UA9AGX        599 0024 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0819 SD7B          599 0223 EU-138 DK0MM         599 0066 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0820 SD7B          599 0224 EU-138 HA5OV         599 0012 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0821 SD7B          599 0225 EU-138 YT7IM         599 0107 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0824 SD7B          599 0226 EU-138 R9XC          599 0176 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0826 SD7B          599 0227 EU-138 HA5KY         599 0037 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0827 SD7B          599 0228 EU-138 IV3KVC        599 0021 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0829 SD7B          599 0229 EU-138 EI5KF         599 0868 EU-115 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0832 SD7B          599 0230 EU-138 F4HUD         599 0013 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0833 SD7B          599 0231 EU-138 F6AUS         599 0116 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0835 SD7B          599 0232 EU-138 G4AYD         599 0001 EU-005 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0836 SD7B          599 0233 EU-138 RA3UU         599 0048 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0838 SD7B          599 0234 EU-138 G3S           599 0293 EU-005 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0839 SD7B          599 0235 EU-138 RA1AL         599 0668 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0841 SD7B          599 0236 EU-138 DK1AX         599 0145 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0843 SD7B          599 0237 EU-138 YT2AAA        599 0761 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0844 SD7B          599 0238 EU-138 RA3NC         599 0657 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0854 SD7B          599 0239 EU-138 S59AA         599 0349 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0855 SD7B          599 0240 EU-138 DJ7MW         599 0017 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0858 SD7B          599 0241 EU-138 EA7TG         599 0111 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0903 SD7B          599 0242 EU-138 OM8ON         599 0099 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0905 SD7B          599 0243 EU-138 EW8DX         599 0000 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0907 SD7B          599 0244 EU-138 YO2IS         599 0000 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0909 SD7B          599 0245 EU-138 G3SWH         599 0278 EU-005 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0911 SD7B          599 0246 EU-138 UR7UD         599 0452 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0918 SD7B          599 0247 EU-138 ON7CC         599 0003 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0921 SD7B          599 0248 EU-138 EV6Z          599 0363 ------ 0
QSO: 14009 CW 2015-07-26 0923 SD7B          599 0249 EU-138 US8UA         599 0167 ------ 0
QSO: 14212 PH 2015-07-26 0933 SD7B          59  0250 EU-138 MM0TFU/P      59  0261 EU-123 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 0938 SD7B          59  0251 EU-138 RK9QWM        59  0411 ------ 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 0938 SD7B          59  0252 EU-138 9A2NO         59  0066 ------ 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 0941 SD7B          59  0253 EU-138 OH5O          59  0018 ------ 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 0942 SD7B          59  0254 EU-138 OH6ECM        59  0111 ------ 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 0942 SD7B          59  0255 EU-138 IK0PHY        59  0687 ------ 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 0943 SD7B          59  0256 EU-138 F4FEP         59  0192 ------ 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 0943 SD7B          59  0257 EU-138 F8ATM         59  0144 ------ 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 0943 SD7B          59  0258 EU-138 IZ8GCE        59  0822 ------ 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 0944 SD7B          59  0259 EU-138 HA1DAE        59  0231 ------ 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 0944 SD7B          59  0260 EU-138 DL2SAX        59  0785 ------ 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 0945 SD7B          59  0261 EU-138 S51CK         59  0943 ------ 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 0945 SD7B          59  0262 EU-138 M7X           59  0467 EU-005 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 0946 SD7B          59  0263 EU-138 IK2YJD        59  0019 ------ 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 0947 SD7B          59  0264 EU-138 F8AMV         59  0068 ------ 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 0947 SD7B          59  0265 EU-138 GM2T          59  2000 EU-008 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 0948 SD7B          59  0266 EU-138 UD4FD         59  0205 ------ 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 0948 SD7B          59  0267 EU-138 CT1EPC        59  0058 ------ 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 0949 SD7B          59  0268 EU-138 IW4EGX        59  0061 ------ 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 0949 SD7B          59  0269 EU-138 F4AJQ         59  0136 ------ 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 0949 SD7B          59  0270 EU-138 RD5A          59  0048 ------ 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 0950 SD7B          59  0271 EU-138 UA9AGX        59  0026 ------ 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 0951 SD7B          59  0272 EU-138 G0CER         59  0183 EU-005 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 0952 SD7B          59  0273 EU-138 OH6EOG        59  0113 EU-101 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 0953 SD7B          59  0274 EU-138 G5W           59  1451 EU-005 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 0953 SD7B          59  0275 EU-138 UR5E          59  0126 ------ 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 0954 SD7B          59  0276 EU-138 M0WLY         59  0093 EU-005 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 0955 SD7B          59  0277 EU-138 IW3HKW        59  0106 ------ 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 0956 SD7B          59  0278 EU-138 EI7JZ         59  0273 EU-115 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 0957 SD7B          59  0279 EU-138 M5BFL         59  0859 EU-005 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 1000 SD7B          59  0280 EU-138 IN3XUG        59  0122 ------ 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 1004 SD7B          59  0281 EU-138 GM7A          59  1017 EU-008 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 1012 SD7B          59  0282 EU-138 DC1JAG        59  0070 ------ 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 1014 SD7B          59  0283 EU-138 GI5O          59  1656 EU-122 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 1015 SD7B          59  0284 EU-138 OH4EBD        59  0005 ------ 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 1016 SD7B          59  0285 EU-138 IK2YCW        59  0805 ------ 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 1016 SD7B          59  0286 EU-138 IZ8GUQ        59  0111 ------ 0
QSO: 14232 PH 2015-07-26 1017 SD7B          59  0287 EU-138 F6GCP         59  0112 ------ 0
QSO: 14256 PH 2015-07-26 1025 SD7B          59  0288 EU-138 IT9RBW        59  0851 EU-025 0
QSO: 14275 PH 2015-07-26 1030 SD7B          59  0289 EU-138 DR8M          59  0252 ------ 0
QSO: 14272 PH 2015-07-26 1041 SD7B          59  0290 EU-138 MM0TFU/P      59  0000 EU-123 0
QSO: 14256 PH 2015-07-26 1045 SD7B          59  0291 EU-138 GM0SEI        59  0141 EU-005 0
QSO: 14253 PH 2015-07-26 1047 SD7B          59  0292 EU-138 F1ADG         59  0035 ------ 0
QSO: 14185 PH 2015-07-26 1053 SD7B          59  0293 EU-138 M0CHK         59  0150 EU-005 0
QSO: 14170 PH 2015-07-26 1054 SD7B          59  0294 EU-138 DG1RUG        59  0058 ------ 0
QSO: 14001 CW 2015-07-26 1114 SD7B          599 0295 EU-138 R1KRG/P       599 1515 EU-147 0
QSO: 14001 CW 2015-07-26 1116 SD7B          599 0296 EU-138 RA1TV         599 0016 ------ 0
QSO: 14001 CW 2015-07-26 1119 SD7B          599 0297 EU-138 OE2VEL        599 0081 ------ 0
QSO: 14001 CW 2015-07-26 1122 SD7B          599 0298 EU-138 S58MU         599 1256 ------ 0
QSO: 14001 CW 2015-07-26 1124 SD7B          599 0299 EU-138 US8GX/P       599 0529 ------ 0
QSO: 14001 CW 2015-07-26 1126 SD7B          599 0300 EU-138 UY5VA         599 0756 ------ 0
QSO: 14001 CW 2015-07-26 1128 SD7B          599 0301 EU-138 M2W           599 1508 EU-005 0
QSO: 14001 CW 2015-07-26 1129 SD7B          599 0302 EU-138 GI5O          599 1738 EU-115 0
QSO: 14001 CW 2015-07-26 1134 SD7B          599 0303 EU-138 OH3GZ         599 0035 ------ 0
QSO: 14001 CW 2015-07-26 1136 SD7B          599 0304 EU-138 LZ6K          599 0257 ------ 0
QSO: 14001 CW 2015-07-26 1139 SD7B          599 0305 EU-138 9A2N          599 0089 ------ 0
QSO: 14001 CW 2015-07-26 1141 SD7B          599 0306 EU-138 RW3TT         599 0106 ------ 0
QSO: 14001 CW 2015-07-26 1143 SD7B          599 0307 EU-138 SP5LJP/MM     599 0169 ------ 0
QSO: 14001 CW 2015-07-26 1144 SD7B          599 0308 EU-138 US0IW         599 0034 ------ 0
QSO: 14001 CW 2015-07-26 1151 SD7B          599 0309 EU-138 YO6EX         599 0131 ------ 0

Saturday 25 July 2015

sd7b qrt due to lightening

For a bit anyway... should be past when IOTA contest starts. The antennas are all disconnected and on the ground.

 Recent strikes

Getting to FLAKSKAER EU138

As will probably get asked at some point.... photos taken enroute

The boat almost got caught by the ferry wires!

Means if it sinks you drown or something like that :-)

Mines the white Hertz thing AU18029

Last driveable island.

The car ferry.

Turning for the army base where the quay is. Note the large coils of wire they are burying all the overhead power lines on this island at the moment.

It is safe honest!

The qrp DXpedition pile. LArge flat box is the solar panel brought from UK. The Yagi is for 6m, have a 2el quad from M1BXF too.

The 'support' pile.

Boat trip across to the island

Note the no U boat parking sign!


SD7B Clublog uploads

Just done first test upload...

SD7B IOTA EU138 Photos

Random photos so far..

The DX station....
Large blue box thing is a 60AH battery running the station
The black box sitting on a bed is 13.8V stablised supply off the power feed

Solar panels