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Tuesday 16 June 2015

QSO on 60m with SD7B

Asked by a few about this...

23-27th July I expect to be in Sweden on an island for RSGB IOTA contest, however I have obtained a licence from Sweden for 60m operation as well (NoV operation only for them) and there is some frequency overlap with UK and as the questions came from some in UK here are the details:

My licence says I can use the frequencies between:


MAX 3KHz BW so NO AM QSO guys so please don't even ask for one!

UK band plan says:

and look up

So what does this mean for any possible UK-Sweden QSO... looking for overlaps...

CW I advise between 5320 and 5323
SSB (USB) DIAL set to 5320 (UK 10KHz BW segment)
PSK 5380 and 5382 (UK 4KHz BW segment) ... not normally data segment in UK please be aware.

I MAY be able to try a split frequency QSO IF conditions are hyper reliable.

If you hear me OUTSIDE the RSGB IOTA contest on another band or mode I suggest ask if a 60m QSO is possible.

I will be QRP KX3 only into 5MHz inverted V dipole. No linear, no beam etc.

Saturday 6 June 2015

DX beach... one day maybe.

Hopefully will be qrv QRP from here one day...

Sad bit too dangerous right now even though licence did look possible not going to chance it!

Lovely low noise floor, very good beaches all over the island so what might have  cliffs blocking signals say East you can also work from the other side of the island where cliffs block signals to the west. Can go inland or to the top of the cliff as seen above and work 360' too. Rare enough IOTA and DXCC to make even a qrp operation a busy one.

Going to keep an eye on this one.

PHSNA photos

Some photos whilst worked on PHSNA stuff (over a year ago now)

Some random photos of trips as looked at a possible DX lighthouse locations

Earlier in the year I had had a long weekend in Majorca and I took the opportunity to look at a possible DX locations. Basically a rare square thing...

This is looking directly North into EU from the top of 300ft+ cliffs on the extreme North East of the island. Light house is behind me on right about 1500m away.

Some Sweden photos.

Portugal, the lighthouse at extreme West of country and most westerly mainland EU bit. (Again big cliffs)

But don't forget Garpen (operated RSGB IOTA 2014 from there).

This has to be one of the best lighthouse operating locations yet.

Not quite as  rare IOTA or DXCC wise as the Ile de Goree AF045 in Senegal 6W but you get decent sized EU pile ups so don't need a lot of kit with you.

Shack cat hard at work

Don't need to say more he had a long overnight DX session.

C5 in March 2015

Had an odd email from one that asked could I 'prove' I had travelled there (not the IOTA this was simple DXC credit) the photos on here were not enough.

So how about a photo of the airline boarding passes.

 A photo of the head guides phone number and the taxi drivers details that took me
That enough?

I thought amateur radio was a hobby and this was all about honour and faith in the other operator ho hum...