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Tuesday, 14 July 2020

2" TV Pole Guy Ring

Been asked what does a 3D printed guy ring this look like so here you go this is on the build plate in Prusa Slicer. I printed in PLA you could print in ABS or PETG if you plan in it being up for a while as PLA is not UV safe, mine is not going to be up for long.

Safety note: The guys HAVE to go about the pole and then back through the holes, the inner collar fixes to the pole the rotating ring has 6mm metal ball bearings in it, to allow smooth rotation, I also use a lithium grease. The guys are wherethe strength is NOT the plastic! I use 4mm UV safe kevlar guys.

I have a ground mounted rotator and the pole fits on it. I will put a DX Hexbeam on top, so need to guy it at top and 66% up it (overkill maybe). The pole rotates, the guys don't. I was going to add a set of clamps to the guy rings for a length of LDF450A that will go up the pole (as the feeder) with a flexible bit at top that will cope with the 400 degree (or thereabouts) rotation.

The hexbeam will be top fed with an RG412 (number?) balun.

This came from the original Thingiverse buddipole guy ring, I just scaled the SCAD files for the pole I had.

1 comment:

M1KTA said...

As asked, the OpenSCAD dimensions I used were (I measured the pole I used) these are at the top of the files.

poleDiameter = 51.1;
//bearingInnerDiameter = 25.4;
bearingInnerDiameter = 55; // hunting for the tightest fit
bearingStopDiameter = 75;
bearingStopHeight = 15;
sleeveHeight = bearingStopHeight + 20;

Bearing Ring:
module buddiPoleBearing() {
outerDiameter = 75;
innerDiameter = 55;
bearingHeight = 16;
bbSize = 5.94;
wallThickness = 3;
guyHoleThickness = 4;
guyHoleDiameter = 8;
guyHoleHeight = 6;
tollerence = 0.2;
overhangAngle = 60;