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Tuesday 23 December 2008

KD1JV and N7VE Battery Monitors

As I operate /P from time to time using a battery monitor is always a good idea. Right now I use a small digital multi meter from Conrad (Friedricshafen 2007) but I can see the benfit of fitting one of these to a rig.
There was bit of a post the other day on qrp-l for the battery monitor from qrpkits (N7VE) Dan Tayloe and the one from (KD1JV) Steve Weber was also mentioned. Well I have put together a couple of PCB for both with the same sized PCB. There are a few differences in that one requires tracks on both sides. One uses a 7805 as a voltage reference the other uses a 3.3V zener diode. I have some 431CP voltage reference semi conductors and I will try one of those as well if the other option is not accurate enough.
As I will homebrew them I will use components I have.