I got talked into entering the AFS Contest CW 2012 by the Camb Hams group
Contest :AFS Contest CW
Submitted :Tue Jan 24 21:44 2012
Deadline :Tue Jan 24 2012
Section :ALL
Callsign :M1KTA
Group :Camb-Hams
QSOs :80 and one dupe.
DXCCs :3
I made 80 qso on cw and 3 DXCC during the 4 hour contest, hardly a thrilling rate but added my bit to the group.
Was FT897 @ 20W (So not qrp, I tried but at 5W but in a session just prior to contest was confirmed would have had a hard time so increased output to 20w and contacts were possible) to a G5RV centra at 18ft AGL ends about 6ft AGL.
Bringing up the rear making 79 qso after 1 dupe 1/2 the count of most and 1/3-1/4 rate of the 'leaders' if I heard some the serials been given out correctly, however, 'cut numbers' confused me a little initially. I recorded the contest (just my audio in/out) and might be worth checking I got the serials right before submitting.
Bob (G3PJT) was not kidding about needing sharp elbows, an hour in and you just got stomped on and my 500Hz filter did not seem narrow enough I think I might invest in a 300Hz filter for the FT897 or homebrew something. I heard from another with a IC-7000 the DSP was working overtime to keep everything outside the passband out of their ears, but the AGC was suffering - at times despite basically no audio, the S-meter was showing S9+20.
My exchange was often M1KTA 599 my serialPSE CFM their serial TU, so I programmed that into wintest, seemed to be a few exchange variants in use.
I think many were more or less on the standard Win-Test set, removing the ++ and -- speed change operators, and sure some stripped down a couple of spaces between RST and serial number. -Speed demons!
So normally, in run mode it should have been:
Listen for caller
[Optional, but frequently used: G1AB?]
G1ABC 599001
Listen for his serial number
Listen for next caller before CQ again
And in S&P:
Find station (there were loads!)
Listen for M1KTA 599 123 or similar
Should have sent
But often sent
599 my serialPSE CFM their serial
Listen for TU
Also had the usual other macros to send repeats of the serial number, "NR?", their call, our call and so on, but the ones above were the normal set. I think it is possible to run wintest to do a lot of this automatically but being a bit dim to set it up correctly.
No doubt not confirming I heard their number correctly will lose a few QSOs in adjudication, in combination with CWGet's attempt, I had two values to choose from. If both were the same, we were happy; if differed, I asked for a repeat!
I gave up trying to cq as I was too slow for those that responded even about 3.580. I have to say, most stations were very patient in the face of my mistakes, and many would quickly increase their letter spacing if I didn't get their call the first time. No doubt a few (reasonably enough) got impatient and wandered off before I worked them, but that's fine.
I predict I'll come last :-).
Was FT897 @ 20W (So not qrp, I tried but at 5W but in a session just prior to contest was confirmed would have had a hard time so increased output to 20w and contacts were possible) to a G5RV centra at 18ft AGL ends about 6ft AGL.
Bringing up the rear making 79 qso after 1 dupe 1/2 the count of most and 1/3-1/4 rate of the 'leaders' if I heard some the serials been given out correctly, however, 'cut numbers' confused me a little initially. I recorded the contest (just my audio in/out) and might be worth checking I got the serials right before submitting.
Bob (G3PJT) was not kidding about needing sharp elbows, an hour in and you just got stomped on and my 500Hz filter did not seem narrow enough I think I might invest in a 300Hz filter for the FT897 or homebrew something. I heard from another with a IC-7000 the DSP was working overtime to keep everything outside the passband out of their ears, but the AGC was suffering - at times despite basically no audio, the S-meter was showing S9+20.
My exchange was often M1KTA 599 my serial
I think many were more or less on the standard Win-Test set, removing the ++ and -- speed change operators, and sure some stripped down a couple of spaces between RST and serial number. -Speed demons!
So normally, in run mode it should have been:
Listen for caller
[Optional, but frequently used: G1AB?]
G1ABC 599001
Listen for his serial number
Listen for next caller before CQ again
And in S&P:
Find station (there were loads!)
Listen for M1KTA 599 123 or similar
Should have sent
But often sent
599 my serial
Listen for TU
Also had the usual other macros to send repeats of the serial number, "NR?", their call, our call and so on, but the ones above were the normal set. I think it is possible to run wintest to do a lot of this automatically but being a bit dim to set it up correctly.
No doubt not confirming I heard their number correctly will lose a few QSOs in adjudication, in combination with CWGet's attempt, I had two values to choose from. If both were the same, we were happy; if differed, I asked for a repeat!
I gave up trying to cq as I was too slow for those that responded even about 3.580. I have to say, most stations were very patient in the face of my mistakes, and many would quickly increase their letter spacing if I didn't get their call the first time. No doubt a few (reasonably enough) got impatient and wandered off before I worked them, but that's fine.
I predict I'll come last :-).
My full log is:
CREATED-BY: Win-Test 4.7.0
CLUB: camb-hams
CLUB: Camb Hams
NAME: Dominic Baines
ADDRESS: 34 Bury Road
ADDRESS: Stapleford
ADDRESS: Cambridge CB22 5BP
SOAPBOX: My 1st time and you need sharp elbows after an hour or so as the
SOAPBOX: frequencies get a bit packed.
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1403 M1KTA 599 0001 G4ODB 599 001
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1405 M1KTA 599 0002 M0TCL 599 001
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1407 M1KTA 599 0003 G3WOV 599 001
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1414 M1KTA 599 0004 G0LZL 599 018
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1415 M1KTA 599 0005 G0TPH 599 022
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1417 M1KTA 599 0006 G3SJX 599 024
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1422 M1KTA 599 0007 G3LIK 599 027
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1424 M1KTA 599 0008 G4CKH 599 033
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1426 M1KTA 599 0009 G4ARI 599 039
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1432 M1KTA 599 0010 G3OPY 599 051
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1435 M1KTA 599 0011 G3LVP 599 038
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1439 M1KTA 599 0012 G3LDI 599 053
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1447 M1KTA 599 0013 G3LUW 599 034
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1451 M1KTA 599 0014 G4DQP 599 026
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1453 M1KTA 599 0015 M1BXF 599 032
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1455 M1KTA 599 0016 G4WUG 599 058
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1456 M1KTA 599 0017 G0TPH 599 068
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1458 M1KTA 599 0018 G3RTE 599 082
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1500 M1KTA 599 0019 G0LHZ 599 055
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1501 M1KTA 599 0020 G3XVR 599 077
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1502 M1KTA 599 0021 G0DVJ 599 083
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1504 M1KTA 599 0022 G3UFY 599 078
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1506 M1KTA 599 0023 G0MTN 599 104
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1507 M1KTA 599 0024 G3ZVW 599 084
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1509 M1KTA 599 0025 G0AAA 599 106
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1511 M1KTA 599 0026 G4BCA 599 096
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1514 M1KTA 599 0027 G4BJM 599 126
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1516 M1KTA 599 0028 GW3SQX 599 104
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1517 M1KTA 599 0029 G3TBK 599 132
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1519 M1KTA 599 0030 G3ZGC/A 599 115
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1520 M1KTA 599 0031 G4PIQ 599 129
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1521 M1KTA 599 0032 G3RXP 599 121
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1523 M1KTA 599 0033 GM3WOJ 599 120
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1524 M1KTA 599 0034 G3LZQ 599 110
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1526 M1KTA 599 0035 G4BUO 599 121
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1527 M1KTA 599 0036 G3PND 599 078
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1529 M1KTA 599 0037 G7VJR 599 104
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1532 M1KTA 599 0038 M0PTO/P 599 028
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1536 M1KTA 599 0039 G3JRM 599 078
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1537 M1KTA 599 0040 G0BBL 599 074
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1540 M1KTA 599 0041 G3SVL 599 100
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1543 M1KTA 599 0042 G4FSU 599 112
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1544 M1KTA 599 0043 G4BYG 599 128
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1546 M1KTA 599 0044 G3SWC 599 124
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1548 M1KTA 599 0045 G3DTZ 599 097
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1551 M1KTA 599 0046 GM4FAM 599 128
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1552 M1KTA 599 0047 G3RVM 599 163
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1554 M1KTA 599 0048 G3VYI 599 146
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1559 M1KTA 599 0049 G4SGX 599 059
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1601 M1KTA 599 0050 GW0GEI 599 138
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1603 M1KTA 599 0051 G4AFS 599 136
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1605 M1KTA 599 0052 M0DHO 599 155
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1607 M1KTA 599 0053 G4CWH 599 140
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1608 M1KTA 599 0054 GM4SID 599 124
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1610 M1KTA 599 0055 G4DJX 599 185
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1612 M1KTA 599 0056 G3UJE 599 175
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1614 M1KTA 599 0057 G3BJ 599 188
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1616 M1KTA 599 0058 G0CKV 599 143
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1619 M1KTA 599 0059 M0UNN 599 166
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1620 M1KTA 599 0060 G3NKC 599 180
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1624 M1KTA 599 0061 G3VDB 599 152
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1626 M1KTA 599 0062 GM4AFF 599 162
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1630 M1KTA 599 0063 G6MC 599 193
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1633 M1KTA 599 0064 MM0ROV 599 097
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1635 M1KTA 599 0065 GM4ZUK 599 150
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1640 M1KTA 599 0066 G4TSH 599 193
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1644 M1KTA 599 0067 G3TJE 599 148
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1647 M1KTA 599 0068 G3YLA 599 122
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1648 M1KTA 599 0069 G3TXF 599 214
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1655 M1KTA 599 0070 G3RKF 599 113
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1657 M1KTA 599 0071 G3KLH 599 189
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1700 M1KTA 599 0072 G3KNU 599 138
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1707 M1KTA 599 0073 G3RWL 599 178
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1715 M1KTA 599 0074 G3PJT 599 196
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1718 M1KTA 599 0075 GM0WED 599 165
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1722 M1KTA 599 0076 G4ZUL 599 160
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1725 M1KTA 599 0077 G7TWC 599 123
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1728 M1KTA 599 0078 G3ZBU 599 116
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1731 M1KTA 599 0079 G3PYE 599 168
QSO: 3525 CW 2012-01-08 1734 M1KTA 599 0080 G4KZD 599 154
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