Monday 10 March 2014

C5/M1KTA now QRT

Thanks for all the qso and the pile ups has been a lot of fun.

I'll write the trip up and put it in a post on blog. LoTW all qso within day or so back in UK.

Last night saw lots of qrp NA stations in the log, this morning up at 07:00 for last hour operating before pack and return. Was interesting, 17 DXCC in minutes one big one for me was ZL4PW SSB QRP so I was only 10W from the beach with KX3, battery and my buddipole. Pure magic to sit there watching the Pelicans on the beach as the sun was coming up.... and to have qso. I had to run the last session DOWN 4 (already asked why) after was spotted, was running simplex up to then as there were stations running splits either side and up was hopeless for me... 15m was busy this morning.

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