Friday 7 March 2014

AF-060 Will be active 8th March 2014

Never managed to get out to AF-060 in 2012 but arranged it this time through the Tanji Bird Sanctuary .... should be QRV between 8:00 and 12:00 for about 90 minutes or so, boat and tide dependent.

Likely to be 15m, 17m or 20m SSB ONLY. Honestly depends what is open for me.

I will be qrp, KX3, vertical dipole on a fishing pole or using a buddipole. No DX cluster/twitter or anything else when qrv so listen for instructions on air.

Likely to be operating SSB UP 3 so please check that the DX spot is not where YOU TX if I am on it.

I will be rushing direct from this to the C5 location back on the beach for BERU.

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