Thursday 6 February 2014

Where I will be in Gambia (C5)

 As asked where will I be.... the great circle map is centred on where I will be. No I will not have a beam or linear will will have a KX3 so qrp only. Please don't post to cluster saying please turn beam to ...

The locator will be IK13oj and I will be right on the beach sea front

I suspect if conditions anything like the last trip JA will open for about 30 mins before and after sunset, on 20m/17m/15m exactly when the EU wall of noise will be at it's worst, please listen if I say I can hear JA and I am only working JA SSB/CW or RTTY please wait the opening for them will not be long as that to EU.

I will be taking a 140ft long wire with me so there is a chance, if conditions allow it, I 'may' try 160m on cw only but note I will not take requests for skeds. I would advise listen and watch the cluster. My CW speed will probably be less than 20wpm please change your keyer if you want to work me.
On the last weekend between 12:00 UTC 8th and 12:00 UTC 9th March unless you are in a BERU country I will likely ignore you please try another time.

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