Tuesday 11 February 2014

C5 QSLs LoTW requested

LoTW will be active  For call sign: C5/M1KTA
      For DXCC Entity: THE GAMBIA (422)
  For QSOs not before: 2014-02-27 00:00:00
   For QSOs not after: 2014-12-31 23:59:59

My C5 licence will run to the end of the year (2014).
I should be able to confirm QSO via upload to LoTW BEFORE I return to the UK. I will upload all qso when I return to the UK.

I will qsl card requests direct or via the buro. Clublog has not confirmed a single qso from previous C5, 6W, 3B8 or KH8 trips so doesn't look like it is much used by qrp ops. I expect I will upload logs to it when back in UK.

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