Friday 14 September 2012

GQRP Rishworth Talk

I will be giving a talk at Rishworth - QRP from West Africa.

Do more with less. QRP DX operating this time an Elecraft KX3 from West Africa where Dom M1KTA travelling solo operated from 6W and then C5, activating IOTA AF-045 along the way.

Apart from the usual power point presentation I will bring along a set of audio and video recordings from both UK, Italy and those from 6W and C5 on the operation and a selection of the kit used.
If you were in the log I might have actual qsl cards by then, I will advise if I do in the talk. I will have the on air recordings too so you might be able to hear what you sounded like to me!

Probably the least technical talk of the day.

I will also have some of the shack kit for sale in the main hall ... see an earlier blog post.

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