Monday 10 September 2012

GQRP club asked me to become Communications Manager

This email says it all really...

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: George Dobbs
Sent: Monday, 10 September 2012, 14:12
Subject: [GQRP] New Communications Manager

For many years, Peter Barville, G3XJS,
has been the club Communications Manager.
Our sincere thanks to Peter for his years of excellent service to the club.
Peter now feels the job needs a fresh face and fresh ideas and is stepping 

The good news is that Dom Baines, M1KTA,
has agreed to be our new Communications Manager.
Many of you will know Dom from his excellent blog
and will have read about his recent DX exploits on this reflector.

For the purposes of his role as Communications Manager
Dom will be using the email address
Could members who have any information or reports
for the Communications Manager (e.g. Summer Sizzler reports still 
Please send these to Dom at the address above.
This will save forwarding of mail.

There will be a fuller announcement with welcome for Dom
and thanks to Peter in the winter issue of SPRAT.
(the autumn SPRAT is now with the printers)

My thanks to Peter and Dom

George Dobbs G3RJV

"It is vain to do with more
what can be done with less"
William of Occum 1290-1350 

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