Monday 26 February 2018

Glad I didn't try to activate E5/N

Just told
"Shipping would have been risky!!!  The MS Lady Moana made two attempts to get to Pukapuka but made it to Palmerston.  First trip it was too rough to put anyone ashore on Palmerston.  Second trip -- last week -- also very rough but the ship's hull got a hole -- rusted through -- so they dropped all the Pukapuka passengers on Palmerston and headed back to Raro with just the crew.  The ship has now got 3 holes in the hull and is on the way to Tahiti for repairs -- however -- I am not sure it is repairable -- and if it was patched, I would NOT travel on it.

The people dropped on Palmerston will likely be there for several months as Tapi Taio has only one small vessel left -- though he has bought another vessel in Norway and it is being refitted.

So be glad you did not make it to Palmerston!  You would likely be there for a long time."

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