Monday 12 February 2018

C6AKT now on clublog & LoTW

As I found out C6AKT was a reissued reciprocal SK call (Glenn W2CXX) and they had registered it through clublog and LoTW etc. So had to go through the steps needed and they are both now live again so requests for QSL will come to me.

Please make sure you realise I will not be dealing with requests for QSO or operation before my time there 8th March 2018.

"On 2018-01-13 16:31:45, Dominic Baines (M1KTA) requested that C6AKT be transferred to their account.

The allowed 28-day waiting period has now expired, and glen fadden (W2CXX) has not responded.
As a result, this Callsign Transfer Request has been automatically completed and C6AKT has been
transferred to Dominic Baines (M1KTA) as requested. The original log has been renamed C6AKT-1 and
remains under the account of glen fadden (W2CXX).

This resolution is now final, and the Callsign Transfer Request has been closed.

vy 73,
Michael G7VJR and the team at Club Log -"

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