Saturday 7 October 2017

FT8 & 160m qrp?

Just for fun (isn't all amateur radio?) as the nights start to draw in I am going to see if can build a pseudo auto 160m qrp station for FT8 based on (WSJT-X Version 1.8.0-rc2) and, have it running through the winter on 160m (when I am in the shack anyway) so that it kinda makes automatic qso, calling CQ of course not S&P... I wonder how long it would take to work a few DXCC qrp? Yes I know it doesn't do this automatically I will have to augment the source to do this.

Might even use a Wellgood loop for the 160m RX. Inverted L for the TX antenna.

This has already been looked at by a few and I think there are Windows 'capture' versions out there already. So I'm going to see what can be done using the Linux version. wsjtx-1.8.0-rc2.tgz

Looks like will need a homebrew SSB TX (maybe the qrp2004, but just 160m)  and and a dedicated laptop.

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