Wednesday 22 February 2017

An Ode to BERU

Given I'm about to be one of those sending some weak RF from an island in the pacific I saw this and thought nicely put...

Thoughts Occasioned by the Sunday Morning Long-Path Opening to Australia and New Zealand, 9th March 2008
by Gerry Lynch GI0RTN

I will go to forty metres
On this sunny BERU morn
Where the strong Antipodeans
Make me glad that I was born.

Signal bearing polar flutter
From the town of Christchurch fair,
Lands upon this Irish meadow
Answering my silent prayer.

Signals coming on the long path
From a far Australian shore,
Crossing ice and sea and jungle,
Coming to increase my score.

Sigs from Asia's teeming cities;
Sigs from Afric's dusty plains;
Sigs from small Pacific islands;
To this land of gentle rains.

Some ops work me with a yagi,
Some ops work me with a wire,
Some ops work me with a groundplane,
Late on eighty, when I tire.

Fickle paths on ten and fifteen
Barely open ere they're gone.
Booming DX strong on 20.
Strong at sunset, strong at dawn.

I will go to forty metres
On this sunny BERU morn,
Sinful would it be to let those
CQ Contests rest forlorn.

(With acknowledgement to Seamus Heaney or is it WB Yeats?). I think a few of the black stuff needed before hand.

BTW this place is brilliant.

You know they say a qrp rig, using a rainbow as an end fed antenna and sitting in the pot of gold at one end with one eye shut whilst balanced on one leg with a 4 leaf clover in one hand and the mic in another you can work DX better... I dunno myself how true that is I think you have to talk to the king of the leprechauns about it. 

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