Tuesday 17 January 2017

OC-203 Stewart Island what freq?

Lots have asked so for all.... see what rbn says then listen on freq listed. I expect will be working split listening up. Suspect the bands will be pretty rubbish during the day, maybe 17m & 15m in afternoon (local) an hour before sunset 40m should be busy, 30m a couple of hours before too. I expect to hear JAs from around 0700z on 30m.  No 80m don't ask!

UK if I get anyone I will call for more, decent stations please help the little guys and be quiet or relay.

All cw will be slower than most expect from DX, if looks like I am slow to confirm that is because I am listening.

Local WX is very wet and high winds so not the best.

No LOTW certificate applied for, use club log for oqrs but upload might not be until a few days after.

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