Monday 30 January 2017

OC-203 Communications

Interesting... and advise for others going to odd/rare IOTA if you activate an IOTA you need to make sure you keep more than just the logs.... so make sure you capture a lot of info about the trip. You might get a note like this... hope I can find all the info so the program classifies the QSO as 'valid' but I suspect I have everything they need :-)

The operating location was just below the white building in the picture.

Dear Dominic,

IOTA Management has become aware you activated an IOTA group (OC-203) that is defined in the IOTA Directory as DIFFICULT. Your activation was welcome news to IOTA chasers around the world. You may or may not know that there are specific requirements for activation of a DIFFICULT IOTA operation before it is accepted as valid.

To meet these requirements smoothly, we have provided a questionnaire below. Please answer the questions as completely as possible.

If you have any questions, please contact us. We can help you understand the requirements.

For detailed guidance on the validation process, please see Annex K in the IOTA Directory at (or Section F in the Directory rules at We want to help you to have a smooth validation process.

In addition to the above, there is one more requirement we would like to mention. On your QSL cards please print the name of your island as it appears in the list of qualifying islands on the IOTA website at

IOTA management appreciated your effort to activate this interesting IOTA. We hope you had a safe return from OC-203.

Thank you and good IOTA hunting!


Bob, K3EST
IOTA Validation Team

Brief Questionnaire for activation of OC-203

(a) The date and time of the first QSO:
ME - That is in the logs.

(b) The date and time of the last QSO:
ME- That is in the logs.

(c) Total number of QSOs:
ME- That is in the logs.
(d) Call sign used: ZL/M1KTA

(e) Full name(s) and personal call signs on the operators:
Dominic Baines M1KTA

(f) Bands and modes of operation employed:

(g) Type of equipment used (rigs, amplifiers, antennas):
KX3, Buddipole. Yes NO PA... the small one created interference so did not use it.

(h) Name of the island and IOTA group:   STEWARD     OC-203
ME- Fine 

(i) Is the island already approved for the respective IOTA group: YES

(j) Rarity of the IOTA group in terms of percentage of membership which has it confirmed: 30.5

(k) URL of the expedition if available:
?? Hardly an expedition but sure was followed on blog, twitter and qrz :-)

(l) Does the access to the island require a permit? If yes, please attach a copy of the permit:
no, scheduled flight to it.

(m) Does the operation from the island require an authorization? If yes, please attach a copy of the authorization:
no was CEPT operation. But I asked the property owner for permission to operate.... was polite thing to do anyway.
(n) Please provide us with evidence of your presence on the above island, such as photos taken during your operation (preferably including identifying signs/plaques and/or landmarks), signed statements from someone in authority confirming your presence or, in the case of a boat charter, arrival and departure times and tickets:
ME - These will all appear in time but pretty sure got all this.

(o) IOTA chasers can now obtain electronic credit via Club Log. If you upload to Club Log, please use the same call as used during the operation. 

Did you upload the log to Club Log (yes or no)? 
ME - Not yet! Please be patient! Already been hassled for qso confirmations by at least 4 ops before even got home!
What was the call (name) used for Club Log?
ME - Should be ZL/M1KTA

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