Sunday 2 October 2016

Clublog and LoTW ADi files

Just uploaded as many of the adi files I could find for previous operations to clublog and lotw.

This will have added these qso:
M1KTA            978    
MO1KTA          0
MQ1KTA          0
3B8/M1KTA     803    
C5/M1KTA       1,258    
CT7/M1KTA     7    
DL/M1KTA/P    0    
F/M1KTA/P      0
ON/M1KTA      0    
HB0/M1KTA/P 0    
HB9/M1KTA    0    
KH6/M1KTA    0    
KH8/M1KTA    393
W1/M1KTA      0
W5/M1KTA      0    
M1K               207    
M1KTA/6W     1,819    
OZ/M1KTA/P   14    
SD7B              575    
SM7/M1KTA    0    
SM7/M1KTA/P 438
VEn                 0

There will still be loads (IOTA mostly) that have never been computerised.

Since about 2011 I have NOT sent physical QSL card to 100% of all QSO made on trips but have chosen to wait for QSL requests after having had many 3B8 cards from 2008 returned.

clublog OQRS means that I will get quite a few requests for QSL cards, that might not have been sent before.

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