Monday 4 July 2016

G3PYE/P FD site

Steve M0MVB brought his quad copter and took some photos of the G3PYE/P site. Wow that thing could fly vertically quickly. He obtained flight clearance before taking photos.

On the extreme left 7el 4m beam (on mast) just to the right is the 6m beam that was on same mast until night before.

Centre is Flossie (MKIII?) with 2m and 23cm antennas sharing same mast. One band took priority over the other qso rate dependant and if 23cm qso was asked from from qso on other band.

Big group/food tent.

Top centre you can see the scam 12 with pair of 70cm on it.

Left by the hedge the generator group.

That small group for right top are all crowded around John G4BAO 24GHz TRX setup.

Many of us camped up there overnight Sat and tents were way off picture to bottom.

The field grass was at waist height and visited the site couple weeks ago to cut the grass before.

I think next year might be a 'proper 23cm effort'

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