Thursday 5 May 2016

ATS-3 for sale

I have both an ATS3a and an ATS3b and I have decided to sell the ATS3A ...

I built and aligned this one myself a while back. The ATS-3B pretty sure details of it are on this blog Colin Tuckley finished it off for me and added a 60m module

The details are:

Steven Weber's, KD1JV, AT Sprint III (ATS-3) is a fully synthesized 5W CW transceiver which covers ALL of the 80, 40, 30 and 20M ham bands (with 4 included band modules) and employs a high degree of SMT (surface mount technology).  When the rig is powered up, it comes up on the QRP frequency for that band (3.560, 7.040, 10.110, 14.060 MHz).  All functions are accessed with 4 momentary contact push buttons - Menu, RIT, Tune Up and Tune Down.  External connectors include: antenna, power, phones, and paddle / key.  The rig may be powered with 6 - 12VDC with the output power varying between 1W and 5W accordingly.

These radios were never mass made and good examples are not available often so that might make this worth having. So if interested get in touch.


  1. I keep getting told it is worth quite a bit. I was thinking the SOTA ops might be interested...
    The thing cost me $190 from Steve Weber and then I had the usual customs add on costs all as a kit before I built it so £175 I've seen them go in us for $250 which is the same thing today. Working ones (lots of part bodges I am aware of) don't sell for less as the demand always out stripped supply.

    100% it works!

    I bought it for DX trips where luggage size is an issue.

    Sadly Africa countries customs guys and a ATS-3 don't mix, looks too much like a spy radio to them. That it is built in a mint tin, no recognizable brand names etc just adds to that belief ... I'll not go into it... that was why I switched to using KX3 as picture even appeared on US magazines I could carry and point to....
