Tuesday 16 June 2015

QSO on 60m with SD7B

Asked by a few about this...

23-27th July I expect to be in Sweden on an island for RSGB IOTA contest, however I have obtained a licence from Sweden for 60m operation as well (NoV operation only for them) and there is some frequency overlap with UK and as the questions came from some in UK here are the details:

My licence says I can use the frequencies between:


MAX 3KHz BW so NO AM QSO guys so please don't even ask for one!

UK band plan says:


and look up


So what does this mean for any possible UK-Sweden QSO... looking for overlaps...

CW I advise between 5320 and 5323
SSB (USB) DIAL set to 5320 (UK 10KHz BW segment)
PSK 5380 and 5382 (UK 4KHz BW segment) ... not normally data segment in UK please be aware.

I MAY be able to try a split frequency QSO IF conditions are hyper reliable.

If you hear me OUTSIDE the RSGB IOTA contest on another band or mode I suggest ask if a 60m QSO is possible.

I will be QRP KX3 only into 5MHz inverted V dipole. No linear, no beam etc.

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