Tuesday 7 April 2015

Paying deposit for a DX trip... east right... no!

Not amateur radio directly but if you need to travel and pay for stuff remote then it is...

Paying a deposit into a foreign bank account from UK one for a deposit for a place to rent for a DX op in 2016...

It's 21st Century and the whole world is connected so should be simple right and not cost the earth :-)

... no chance $%£&^%^$! bloody UK banks have seen to that.

I ended up using these guys http://transferwise.com

Be careful though as amounts you transfer are not protected as they are through 'normal' UK/EU/US bank account 'protection' schemes.

Better than sending cash via Western Union though although if you know and trust the other party that works (I've used it for years and not had a problem).

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