Friday 30 January 2015

Scandanavian IOTA 2013 and 2014

Was asked to list the IOTA trip days and locations for those IOTA QSL chasers

14/6/2013 oz/m1kta/mm
16/6/2013 sm/m1kta/p from mainland (sm7ucz qth)
17/6/2013 sm/m1kta/p ditto
18/6/2013 sm7/m1kta/p eu138 utlangan
19/6/2013 sm/m1kta/p ditto
21/6/2013 sm/m1kta/p ditto
22/6/2013 sm/m1kta/p North Of Kalmar Paskallavik
23/6/2013 sm7/m1kta/p eu037 oland sandvik campsite
24/6/2013 sm7/m1kta/p eu037 oland speudde beach
25/6/2013 sm7/m1kta/p eu037 oland lange erik light house north oland
26/6/2013 sm7/m1kta/p eu037 oland sandvik
28/6/2013 sm7/m1kta/p eu037 oland sandvik
30/6/2013 sm7/m1kta/p eu138 tjurko
30/6/2013 sm7/m1kta/p eu138 sturko
1/7/2013  sm7/m1kta/p ditto
2/7/2013  sm7/m1kta/p torshamm
1/7/2013  sm7/m1kta/p eu138 utlangan
2/7/2013  sm7/m1kta/p eu138 utlangan
3/7/2013  sm7/m1kta/p eu138 langoren
4/7/2013  oz/m1kta/p eu030 bornholm
5/7/2013  sm7/m1kta/p mainland
5/7/2013  oz/m1kta/p eu029 mon
6/7/2013  oz/m1kta/p eu029 lolland
7/7/2013  oz/m1kta/p eu172 langeland
8/7/2013  oz/m1kta/p eu172 langeland
9/7/2013  oz/m1kta/p eu172 sio

2013 IOTA contest I was on EU138 Utlangan SM7/M1KTA/P
I came 18th in the DXpedition 24h mix single operator assisted QRP category (135 QSO, 16 IOTA... you can find it hard to get that number up from a rare IOTA!) 13840 points.

2014 IOTA contest I was on EU037 Garpen SM7/M1KTA/P
I cam1 11th in the DXpedition 24h mix single operator unassisted QRP category (265 QSO (double previous year!), 30 IOTA and 58650 points

2015 IOTA Contest I expect I will be on EU138 Utklippan
(or EU011 St Agnes with SCC M1K)

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