Sunday 14 December 2014

Operators should wear dinner suits shouldn't they?

As is usual at these gatherings we talk about possible wish list trips etc.

I happened to spot behind where I was sitting there was a globe so time to look at trip planning and pointing out those hard to work/get to places.

Yes that is be me in a dinner suit, jacket over chair (I'm ex-Cambridge uni so it is circa 1993 as seemed to wear one far too often and the trousers didn't fit so there was a last minute panic to find a pair that did). I'm reliably informed that  radio operators used to always wear one before going on air in times gone by. Anyway was given a bottle of pink bubbly along with another Gavin M1BXF who turned up in full Scottish garb for being the best dressed there :-)

Rob also posted about it

I'm not on Twitter!


  1. Did not realise you were a Cambridge University man Dom. Personally I hate wearing a suit, HI.

    Have a very good Christmas and New Year.
