Thursday 7 August 2014

Giving a talk on 12th August

After just getting back from Garpen where I put in an entry into the RSGB IOTA contest QRP of course and spent some time with some friends from Sweden ... I had an email from Paul asking if I could do a talk.... yes is the easy answer... so...

Talk on 'More QRP DXpeditions' by Dom Baines M1KTA

Stevenage and District Amateur Radio Society G3SAD have secured a talk next Tuesday (12th August) by Dom Baines M1KTA who is the Contest and Communications Manager of the G-QRP club.
Dom is a very experienced QRP DXpeditioner (and homebrewer) who has operated from many countries all over the world, his latest being a DXpedition for the IOTA Contest to Garpen Island (EU037) in SM7 land.
Dom will be giving a talk on ‘More QRP DXpeditions'
See Dom's excellent website to get a flavour of his activities
We are lucky to have him give us a talk... please come along as you will certainly hear an interesting and well informed talk together with receiving that bit of encouragement to try your hand at DXpeditioning yourself.
All are invited… please see the Stevenage and District ARS website for directions.
Paul G0WAT
G-QRP 8472

Along with a few props as everyone tend to ask what do you use to operate and how do you carry/power it? Got a few topics I may cover... KH8 (American Samoa), KH6 (USS Missouri in Honolulu harbour was my shack for a day!) , W1 (Harvard Uni), W5 (Enroute home from KH8, stopped in for a qrp contest!), 3B8 (the first ever real pile up), 6W (qrp from a major contest station and AF-045), C5 (Twice the last time including operating from AF060 as the tide was coming in!), SM/OZ IOTA marathon.... and the tribulations about obtaining written permissions for some locations that have gone on for so long... SU, VU2.

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