Monday 3 March 2014

C5/M1KTA Operating hints

As I have told everyone that has emailed.... skeds are NOT working. No beam at this end either so no cannot turn to xyz dxcc, yes know you probably did not but so many have.

I have wire dipoles, kx3 and qrp only on batteries from the beach. So QRV time is about 90 mins from the first key down or mic ptt no margin after that. The absolute best option for CW is qrs qrs qrs and if you sill think you might be too fast qrs again FULL CALL only please I am ignoring partials as qso takes too long and I can hear frustraited ops..

I'm a 15-20wpm cw op usually and in a pile up I get 10's of calls in a 1KHz space even when split so it is a total nightmare trying to pick out calls sometimes... why do ops insist on sending at 35wpm as I'll never get them!

If I get whole call I will respond by sending it back TWICE with a 5NN, LISTEN I am only interested in the station i have called  if only got some of the call will send just the letters... if I get your callwrong please just respond and I will send 5NN SRI ABT CALL TU, if I get YOUR 5NN I will say TU and pile up often starts calling again... I will nearly always be split UP 1-2KHz and I will send cq de c5/m1kta up at least once every two qso so sending after a TU is not always a good idea LISTEN. I am qrp so I REALLY cannot control the TX freq if it gets swamped by anyone and I will qsy.

At this time I have been operating between 7am and 9am and 4pm and 8pm depending on XYL and dinner (this is a holiday for her too!) we usually manage to go for food about 20:00 UTC/GMT so should be qrv... 17m seems to be open to NA at both ends of the day EU too. 10m short operating session yesterday, after ages sending cq was about to quit when heard G3IGZ, my first qso on 10m from C5 this trip :-)

I would check reserve beacon network...*M1KTA*

If you see me the frequency is pretty accurate please listen before sending, not making that many calls that I am calling by area etc just whomever is there, I will listen for any FULL calls ONLY if you can QRS please I seriously cannot decode 10 at 25wpm in my head it just sounds like noise.

Note NO internet when qrv this I am sending from internet cafe.... once a day at best.

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