Friday 28 February 2014

QRV from C5/M1KTA

And the off..

rows to show:
showing spots for DX call: C5/M1KTA 
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IZ4RCQ C5/M1KTA21290.0[LoTW] up 30914z 28 Feb
F4CUO C5/M1KTA21290.0[LoTW]0859z 28 Feb
DL9USA C5/M1KTA21290.0[LoTW] UP30852z 28 Feb
SQ8NQW C5/M1KTA21290.0[LoTW] tnx0850z 28 Feb
EA4VV C5/M1KTA21290.0[LoTW] 59 * Many thanks Dominic0839z 28 Feb
OE6MBG C5/M1KTA21290.0[LoTW]0834z 28 Feb
as expected was put in the cluster and went a bit manic after that.

Using KX3 on internal batteries only so max 5W... lot of qsb and signals even to spain went from 59 to 51 and back again...SSB session for hour this morning... about 57 QSO, not huge number was working symplex initially then went up3...a vertical multiband wire dipole on a 10m pole right at the beach (photo when decent internet connection).

Why did I pick 15m? no reason except that this was last band rig had been use on.

Wind on the beach is pretty strong about 20-25mph (got anenometer with me) North to South .

Security is about 7am to 7pm.

Operating from the room whilst location is good not possible to use mans as the hotel earth is live!!

Will try and operate SSB in mornings and CW in evenings for those that are interested.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Dom, I often worked from the hotel, while on holiday. It's great fun. Good luck in DX and holiday QSO's. 73, Bert PA1B
