Wednesday 29 January 2014

qrp DX

Hi all,

I'll be off doing the qrp DX thing from the beach again.... C5 (The Gambia) will be
qrv 27th February to 10th March any modes that mean zero audible noise (CW or
data) more likely but will also try some /P from the beach as well so will be SSB then.

KX3 and nested vertical dipoles 10/12/15/17 & 20 and a vertical Moxon on 20m/15m (Pete M3KXZ).
40m and 80m highly unlikely.

QRSS beacon with GPS (from G0UPL) probably on 30m maybe with WSPR running.

C5/M1KTA will be call as just renewed 2012 licence and LoTW.

Holiday operating but I will be on for BERU over the whole of the final w/e.

Hope to add a few of you for a new DXCC in 2014?



The Fishing village will be just south of the QTH

I can see will have fun tracking the shade during the day.

 Beach QTH most likely and this might be one I may use.

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