Saturday 10 August 2013

/P on Marsden Moor before Rishworth 2012

Just before Rishworth 2012 I went up on Marsden Moor and had some fun /P with KX3 and a short 6m fishing pole....  was sent an email that I do plenty of IOTA and DX but why do I not do any SOTA. So here is a photo diary of one activation. Cannot remember the hill but was fun and amazing I was in the North of England and it is sunny and dry!

 Canal path to the start up..

 You had to cross this cute bridge. Was used for  pack mules (that used to be used bfore the canal tunnel through the hill.

Nice views from the top...

On the top.

That's me hiding in the long grass.

Series of QSO with JA, I had the KX3 still tuned to 17m which I had used in KH8 or KH6 cannot remember which now.

Walked on and there was this rock thing.

 Walking back down..

So that is it a SOTA activation.

I thought travel to a DX was a lot for a couple hundred qso... SOTA seems like even more effort for maybe 10's of qso. Take along radio kit and it is usually very wet and windy so making qso is not easy. As I live in Cambridge and there are no hills in Cambridge (!) and Stansted airport is closer to me than any hills (figure out the time to get to places etc) so I can do the DX thing much easier than I can get to a hill somewhere.

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