Saturday 6 July 2013

Should be QRV from EU-172 shortly (in morning)

About as simple a station as it gets. The ferrite on the headset lines seems to calm down all the RF in a busy enviornment. I am running 10W, using 5W got nothing at all.

After a last hurrah on the air operating literally from the ferry quay at Tars when I finally managed to work GB100RSGB on 40m :-) I added another 20 qso into the EU-029 log including Gozo EU-23 (9H3AY ex. G3SDG)). I then left EU-029 (Lolland) via the ferry from Tars to Spodsbjerg (N /MM possible) so now on EU-172.

QSO with OZ6GH Gorm yesterday... today invited to (as only 5 miles North of youth hostel where I stayed in Koge) stop by for a visit to his shack and his amazing literature collection going back to 1900. Nice to chat and sit still for a bit.

Staying just outside Faebaek which is on the north of the island. I will cycle down to Dagelokke on west coast (couple miles) tomorrow and see about operating sites.

Going to stay here for two extra nights which probably means not activating EU-171 unless I asked very nicely as it will mean a whole days driving to get there and back, but will activate EU-125 before going to the ferry :-)

I hear that the sun is playing havoc with the higher bands and if today was anything to go by the great conditions of 4 days ago are a memory... shame.

Anyway hope to work some stations from a new IOTA tomorrow.

I'll try the W3EDP as well as the 10,12,15,17 & 20 m dipole.

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