Monday 1 July 2013

Planned IOTA wanderings back to UK

For all you IOTA marathon fans, yesterday I had 4 GQRP member qso contacts all asking for more details... I will be taking a slower multi hop route back to Esjberg so will activate some IOTA on the way, apologies to those that asked all will be SSB no CW or PSK.

KX3 5W, vertical dipole RG174 and I will get as close to the water (sea) as I can with the antenna, usually QRV about 14.260 or 14.285.

EU-138 2nd and 3rd July SM7/M1KTA/P I will work through the EU-138 Archipelago on different islands a few hours a time.
Ferry to Bornholm from Ystad for EU-030 so 4th and 5th July OZ/M1KTA/P and possibly OZ/MV1KTA/P (from 5th).
Back on SM so will be SM7/M1KTA/P near Ystad evening of 5th but long drive to Koge.
EU-029 5th and 6th July OZ/M1KTA/P or OZ/MV1KTA/P from just south of Koge.
EU-172 7th July, maybe Langeland?
EU-171 8th July (If I can drive that far in time for a ferry (Northern Jutland) 
EU-125 on 9th July as wait for ferry from Romo 20 miles south of Esjberg.

Hoping to be /MM on ferry home (morning of 10th July especially).



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