Wednesday 3 July 2013

Onto EU-030 Bornholm

Just packed up and ready for drive to Ystad and ferry to Bornholm EU-030 tomorrow (4th July). Should be QRV from 6pm local 17:00UTC near Ronne until following morning then return to SM land before driving to Koge in Denmark (EU-029).

On island until 18:00 LOCAL 16:00 UTC.

I will NOT on 5th hope to be signing SM7/MV1KTA/P and later OZ/MV1KTA/P to celebrate the RSGB 100th anniversary.

Anyway QRV on 20m right now 14.265 only one call so far with John 2E0JJM

QSY up 14.285 an EA2DT Manuel... hope more contacts soon..

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