Saturday 27 July 2013

EU138 qrp station but doesn't weigh like qrp kit...

 Before the ferry...
The long bag contains the poles... cool box food for w/e
Box is from Sm7UCZ and contains batteries, 10 litres of water, power supplies and all sort of heavy stuff.

The ruck sack and other bag contains clothes etc... my kit weighs less than 17kg!

 Three antennas in a line. The 12m pole has bent over a bit as the base was not secured properly.
10/15/20 dipole, 80m dipole (as inv V), 40m GP (and 30m beacon)

The 'shack' this is serious comfort!

Feeders above the ground... This morning a line of house martins had taken up positions on many wires!

Operating position. Two PSU one powers the beacon, a 12V fan and a light the other the rig and laptop.

I have an internet connection! That I brought.

So LoTW and spots will be uploaded immediately. RBN (CW) and SSB tests last night and this morning seem to say I am getting out.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck in the contest. Your station looks very cool. I will be giving points so I hope to meet you on air. 73 de Tomas, ok4bx
