Saturday 15 June 2013


QRV from the Sirena on crossing from UK to Denmark.

40m, 20m, 17m and 15m all from a single vertical... was bloody windy. 30 knots boat speed plus 35mph gusts, steady 20mph.... whip was all over place this morning (4am UK time) I got up and qrv just before sun came up and cold on deck but noone about.... lots of DX heard.

Was SSB only as too wet for CW (laptop and keyer).

48 hours before crossing forcast was Force 8, backing 5 to 6 Thames, Humber and German Bight (the route) by time of crossing had dropped to a Force 3/4 but sea was very mucky and choppy once away from UK and at 4am was a bit of a roll. Never saw anyone on the deck in morning!

This was operating position on the evening session, morning from same place.

Up on the tenth deck. I am about 100ft above the sea here.

Coming into Denmark Esbjerg:

I signed OZ/M1KTA/MM as it was a Danish registered vessel (once outside UK waters)

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