Sunday 2 June 2013

M1KTA/P IOTA 2005 Adjudication Log Report

This was from a while ago and it is really for a discussion I am having locally...
but it indicates why it is important to log correctly in a contest especially if you take part even for a short while and contact a couple of stations.

48% of the contacts I made in this contest WERE uniques which means they did not appear elsewhere.

This was my first ever contest entry... I have got a bit better since then but still seem to forget to read ALL the rules.... ahem WPX last w/e!

IOTA Contest 2005

Log Adjudication Report (UBN)


Total qsos submitted (incl dupes) was 262
Your log contains 127 (48.47%) uniques (You have NOT lost any credit for these qsos).
You have lost 6 multiplier credit(s) and 24 qso credit(s) as follows:
time band Mode YourSerial Call Serial Rcvd IOTAref Reason for loss of credit Multiplier Lost
1257 20 PH 8 DL0AB 13   BAD COPY [BADCOPY] Should be DL0KB  
1307 20 PH 10 DL5AXX 132   BAD COPY [BAD IOTA] IOTA of DL5AXX was EU129  
1338 20 CW 12 OK25G 43   NOQSO OK2SG  
1415 40 PH 14 ON40N/PA 120 EU146 BAD COPY [BADCOPY] Should be ON4ON/PA  
1540 20 PH 28 RK3DZB 191   NOQSO [BAD COPY of call or exchange]  
1907 20 PH 67 9A1CDD 713 EU016 BAD COPY [BADCOPY] Should be 9A1CDO -MULT 20PH
2245 20 PH 79 SF5OA 621 EU037 BAD COPY [BADCOPY] Should be SF50A -MULT 20PH
2245 40 PH 80 YP3AYP 1088   BAD COPY [BADCOPY] Should be YP3A  
2313 80 PH 86 OH0Z 141 EU002 NOQSO [NOTINLOG] Not in OH0Z s log -MULT 80PH
2345 80 PH 99 G0GHK 188 EU005 NOQSO [NOTINLOG] Not in G0GHK s log  
0040 20 PH 105 MM0ECQ 785 EU012 BAD COPY [BADCOPY] Should be MM0ECG  
0305 40 PH 128 NO1TA 1080 NA027 BAD COPY [BADCOPY] Should be VO1TA -MULT 40PH
0328 40 PH 131 OH9A 2274   BAD COPY [BAD IOTA] IOTA of OH9A was EU173  
0344 40 PH 135 GM4AFF 261 EU012 NOQSO [BAD SERIAL] Serial given by GM4AFF was 1261 -MULT 40PH
0506 20 PH 138 Y57IGF 407   BAD COPY Should be US7IGF  
0634 40 PH 154 EA2CHL 89   NOQSO [NOTINLOG] Not in EA2CHL s log  
0718 40 CW 164 I2ZBMT 115   BAD COPY Should be IZ2GMT  
0735 40 CW 166 G6M 1420 EU005 NOQSO [BAD SERIAL] Serial given by G6M was 1470  
0837 20 PH 181 DC0NA 811   NOQSO [BAD SERIAL] Serial given by DC0NA was 45  
0903 20 PH 194 YU7WI 1   NOQSO [BAD SERIAL] Serial given by YU7WI was 96  
0906 20 PH 196 MM0DS 836 EU092 BAD COPY [BADCOPY] Should be MM0Q -MULT 20PH
0928 20 PH 209 U8IMM 144   BAD COPY Should be US1MM  
0946 20 PH 227 EA1OS 637   NOQSO [BAD SERIAL] Serial given by EA1OS was 337  
1010 15 PH 239 SP8RY/3 132   BAD COPY [BADCOPY] Should be SP8RX/3  

Summary of score using the following formula:
((non-IOTA qsos+ qsos with same IOTA)x3 + qsos with other IOTA x15) x mults)= Final score

Score before adjudication from 255 valid qsos is:
( (126+3) x 3 + 126 x 15) x 58 = 132066 points

Score after adjudication from 230 valid qsos:
[FINAL SCORE] is: ( (111+3) x 3 + 116 x 15) x 52 = 108264 points (-18.02%)

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