Saturday 9 March 2013

RSGB BERU Antenna farm :-)

I will only be having a go today so not even a 12 hour entry and qrp with kx3 but I have put up a few antennas.
The two vertical dipoles from KH8 on 15m and 20m along with my qth vertical 10-80m and thee 140ft long wire that will tune most bands.

The antennas all come into the shack though the window with coax balun on the two dipoles.

The 140ft long wire comes down over the 4" pipe off cut into the window.

Not huge number of contacts 15 (11 on 15m, 4 on 20m) in first 2 hours all uniques 2 HQ stations and 11 DXCC. I have heard some VU, VK and ZF2XF but have not worked them yet.

On hour lunch break :-)

Given up on RSGB BERU... sat in queue waiting to work VY2SS for 30 minutes no fun!

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