Saturday 30 March 2013

Kite flying again...

More wind today so tried attaching the heaviest long wire I had just to see ...

and it lifts, then it doesn't and floats down again, then it goes back up....

 Finally wind takes it...


That is 50m of line, 41metre long wire and angle of kiteline and wire hanging beneath it is about 60 degrees.

 .... stays up for 25 minutes and then floats down as almost no wind.

The kite is held in place with 200lb braid attached via a carbineer and a sling to a dog tether.  The Antenna wire is also attached to a separate dog tether, the line between the two with the red cylinder is a static discharge line that has a 4mm stacking plug at one end and croc clip on the other.

No radio connected but just wanted to test the setup.... was a bit anxious as low wind but once the kite caught it... up up it goes.

Note the leather gloves these are 100% essential even in light wind the line can cut through flesh very fast! By the performance today in stronger winds (hand held anemometer coming) this kite will generate a lot of lift.

Off to the beach tomorrow with a backup antenna to test out 80m and 60m with it.

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