Friday 15 February 2013

CT7/M1KTA update 14/2/2013


W3EDP and KX3 from Hotel

CW sessions:

11:20 CQ 21.060 - NIL
11:32 CQ 18.0725
11:36 DF1PY 579 18.072.520 5W
11:44 HA7MW 579 18.072.520 5W
11:50 CQ 10.116
11:53 someone there but too weak to copy
11:56 CQ 7.030.000 - NIL
12:08 CQ 18.07250 3W
12:10 9A2UU (need to be 100% on call to relisten to recording) 18.072.520 579 3W
12:16 OM3EY 18.072.520 579 3W

Went out to Olhao the fishing shop near the quay had 7m poles 17.90 euros if anyone needs one.

Back at hotel CW again...

17:43 CQ 18.072.520 5W
17:48 DL1SVB 579 QSB 5W 18.072.520
Sun setting SS time 18:10 but just went below horizon
17:55 CQ 10.116 -NIL
17:59 CQ 7.030 - NIL
18:02 CQ 3.560 - NIL
18:08 CQ 7.030 - NIL
18:17 CQ OO 14.030.700 FP call but NIL
18:22 CQ 21.060 - NIL
18:27 CQ 10.116
18:34 UR5ZO or UW5ZO check recording 579 10.116 CW
18:37 DL5CU 10.116 579 5W

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