Thursday 17 January 2013

Appear in RadCom QRP column for 6W and C5 trip

Rev George Dobbs (G3RJV)  has added my note to him about C5 and 6W trip with new KX3 last Summer to his RSGB QRP Column. It perhaps shows that DX trips are not only for those with a dozen members and 400W although maybe not that rare a location. Given recent events maybe I should have tried harder for TZ.

Hoping to manage a couple trips this year.

BERU in March (9th/10th) hoping to get away from all the snow and ice and will be somewhere suitably warm, QRS and QRP only of course.

First will be Portugal CT (Not that DX but I'll be on a beach again), might also try to get to ZB2 but not sure if can be QRV. I will be in Sweden during June and last w/e in July planning to be on an island off UK coast line (puffins and seal allowing of course). Later in the year hoping for something more DX though.

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