Friday 2 November 2012

Shack work this winter

Got to redo the operating shack, this summer other projects and trips took over but shack needs an overhaul and I am painting the inside white, putting up decent lights (had them from a car boot buy 2 years ago) and redoing the roof (had the 4" insulation and boards a while).

Two new desks will go in (made from 600mm wide sections of Sterling board (again had for a while) and the current old tables will go, MDF shelves ready to go in so the old metal ex-garage shelves will go too. The house loft reorg and 'stuff' sort out has provioded a number of deep clear A4 plastic boxes so I'll put these on the shelves with appropriate kit in them. All the 'components' should be up in the workshop now.

A new set of antenna feeders will be put in along with a permanent (yahoo) 40/80 dipole running NS down the garden. I also plan on putting up a directable 10/15/20 antenna of some sort and being nagged to put up a 6m/4m/2m/70cm antenna of some sort and so bought bits to build yagi from Harrisons.

I have a 1.2GHz project I want to have a go at building and that will require an antenna of some sort probably a 20+ el yagi.

The 500KHz NoV will get a dusting off this xmas about the same time as the GQRP xmas contest and I will put up an inverted L for this and/or a vertical.

If time allows I might experiment with SO2R and SDR RX & separate TXRX as I plan to be having some fun next year in the RSGB cumulative  and some QRP contests.

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