Tuesday 2 October 2012

Yipee the PA works

Another yippee... the homebrew amp works... 160 through to 10m :-) I started off with the http://m1kta-qrp.blogspot.co.uk/2012/09/m1kta-version-of-arrl-50w-pa.html but I updated the PA's and restarted as I found I had a set of the beefier FETs. For between 2-5w drive cw or ssb I can get between 25-90W out, the current draw peaks at 11Amps. I just built a qro swr (G6ALU) so I can measure it too. I hope that should be enough from the DX location if conditions not great  ;-)

And it works with the portable (big for me anyway) 25 amp psu I have, and I could run of a car battery too (belt and braces again I tested that!)

I pulled the board out of the CB Amp (RM KL-500 amp) and used the chassis heat sink, switches etc... No low pass filtering through... I'll may use a 'general attenuate everything above 30MHz LPF' or I might build something specific for the 80m and 40m bands.

Best of all it comes in under weight too! 

Now to make up the 17/12 moxon and RG174 feeders.

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