Tuesday 16 October 2012

W5/M1KTA QRV from AE5X shack

Ran a short pile in the QRP-ARCI contest from John (AE5X) shack. He collected me from the gate at Houston, breakfast and then operated (I setup the station as I had run it in KH8) plugged into his antennas and operated.

Great fun.

Note the large FT240-61 ferrite on the leads for the K1EL usbwinkeyer... doesn't matter what I do I keep getting RF even at qrp back into laptop from rig from this. I had to restart wintest and other laptop bits from time to time, most annoying.

Yes in contest/pile up I use cwget to help with the cw tune (last image). I do not use a hand key when running win-test either and send everything through the keyboard so you will not see a key n the picture, although I do have a palm paddle plugged in usually.

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