Saturday 6 October 2012

So what does a DX station look like....

This the DX station setup.

Going around clockwise:

start with KX3 needs no introduction really.
next is an LDG Z11-Pro II Auto atu, bit pointless really as antenna tuned.
On top of the tuner sits the homebrew VSWr (finished last Friday!)
Next is the KL-500 case with the ARRL homebrew built 50W Dual IRFZ24N MOSFET linear (see earlier blog post)
Fan on top to keep cool.
Beneath the amplifier is a Palm Paddle
Next is a K1EL Winkey sitting on the PSU
lastly the laptop running win-test

Not in the picture are the three qrss beacons with me... Hans and Steve simple QRSS beacon, The Hans and Steve Ultimate beacon and the NT7S QRSS beacon. I have the latter on 30m doing a cw ident at 12wpm 10.140.408 KH8/m1KTA/AP45pr The other two will be qrss 3 and WSPR also 30m tomorrow.

Didn't bring them this trip but kinda wish I had now... I have four 6m telescoping masts that collapse to just 33cm!

All this fits in the carry on luggage, yes often asked lots of questions but a few photos, copy of licence, SPRAT and RadCom usually handles most things... and KX3 picks up BBC world service wonderfully too!

1 comment:

  1. I like it. No tons of multi-thousand dollar/euro stuff around.
