Wednesday 5 September 2012

Shack clear out

As I was in the workshop (I have a separate shack too!) after the C5 and 6W trip, putting some stuff away I realised that I really do need to shift some things so I am thinking of selling off almost all the little kit builds I have completed (MKARS 80m SSB, HB-1A, BITX-20 (qrpkits), 4 band Elecraft K1, PFR-3 (qrpkits), FT TutHill80 (qrpkits), Norcal-20 etc) so many of the kit built TX/RX TRX would go.

I suspect all the test kit kits I'll keep as I use them as well as a few things like the ATS-3B(KD1JV), 3 different PIC-A-STAR and my qrp2004 build.

I will have to confirm it all works first and produce output plots etc!

I might even sell off the bags of bits that are complete projects (with docs) or part builds such as many different SDR RX (all from Tony Parks KB9YIG) so fixed freq and agile too, I have a couple SDR RXTX like the Firefly 20 which I have an SMT and through hole version, Small Wonder Labs SW20+, a PSK-20, Norcal-2030 (unbuilt) GQ-20, OpenQRP TRX (unbuilt), Flea, ATS-3 and a few others.

I have a couple commercial rigs too, some vintage that might go too.

All the bodge type builds (6V6 rig) and 100% homebrew maybe not but most of the kit builds and random rigs should definitely go. At GQRP rally in Rishworth I will ask for a table or try to sell before hand. I am not short of cash, and do not need to scale down but I suspect would raise enough for another dx trip or maybe a long way towards another KX3 or antenna.

Most have been pictured on this blog at one time or another .... anyway I'll be taking it all the GQRP Rishworth unless I sell it earlier. If interested please drop me an email I can tell you if it is available or not.


  1. K1, Firefly and PSK-20 spoken for now.

    Plenty still left.



  2. I am also going to sell my fully loaded FT897D (500Hz CW filter, DSP and it has 60m too) it has done sterling service since 2006 ish, been on 4 dx trips (In 6W and C5 it never even got switched on as was the backup rig!) and got plenty more qso/miles left in it and of course the FT817ND if I can fix it!
