Other than a trip which might get the odd mention I will detail projects I am working on, what I want to be working on and what I have otherwise to report on. I will update the individual projects as they advance. As asked I have started to catalogue the references I have follow the link on the left where you can obtain them too. Want to email me wander over to qrz.com and you'll find my email address there. Also twitter @m1kta_qrp
Monday, 5 January 2009
PW Notch filter
Just read the latest issue of PW (Feb 2009) and saw the Notch Filter from Tim Walford. I seem to be a fan of making PCB at the moment and as I know I have some TL072 op amps and the other C and R so knocked up a quick PCB for it and above is the silkscreen for the components.
I bought a bag of pots from Dans Small Parts and Kits (through someone else in US) and there is quite a selection, I also have some mini multi turn 10K pot and some centre detent pots so I may adjust the holes to match the available pots. Especially if I fit it to the panel.
The track side (as yet not checked for correctness) is:
I will add this to the TA7538 TCVR project.
PCB etched and will be drilled once 0.7mm drills are added to the dremel drill press.